I pay my Stubbs, I draft roster, roster does not auto fill, itβs left with black boxes free agents with no stats. All zeros. I fill, start showdown, and this. Setting up moment, but I can still move everything around and it does not set up moment. Wasted stubbs. Rebooted app, forfeited and started over, same issue. I cannot play the showdown. Ps4

How long are we ganna go without any significant player up/downgrades? This is getting pretty boring. Gotta jump over the moon to get a pack with nothing in it, it would be nice to see one of my golds go Diamond for the love of God!
Also happens when the pitcher delivers when Iβm batting as well.
Playing Diamond dynasty and Every time I pitch the screen gets fuzzy and readjusts. Itβs playable, but very annoying. Anyone know a setting I can change in my PS4 or ONN ROKU Tv? Thanks in advance!
App down all morning.
@Timbino_PSN said in companion app/web:
Most likely won't be up until for about 3 more hours because of stuff and reasons
Haha. This was funny.
@LookatTheRhino said in Servers 4:50:
@Sideshowcorey_PSN said in Servers 4:50:
Dang it. I thought a quick ramble about nothing would solve the down server issue. I was wrong.
Why even post this? Lol you complaining is the same as them posting this and you getting triggered idk
Your moms triggered.
Dang it. I thought a quick ramble about nothing would solve the down server issue. I was wrong.
@cjhanz84_PSN said in Servers 4:50:
@Sideshowcorey_PSN said in Servers 4:50:
Still down for me. Ps4. Has anyone followed the instructions and reported it in the general thread?
I usually donβt report it because itβs always one of two issues.
They scheduled maintenance in the middle of the day with no warning whatsoever.
They blew their entire budget on new legends and didnβt make the servers big enough and it canβt handle the influx of players. Iβve never had this much issue this many times on other sports games so Iβm assuming their servers are small as all hell.
Either way, the server issues are SDSβ fault
I started playing a year ago divisional series. Played all year this year, when itβs good, it seems great. When itβs bad, itβs REAL bad. Companion app was down for about a week this year. Thatβs crazy. Oh well, this is why computers will never rule the earthβ¦They will always need human assistance to fix and update. Watch as I open the door to conspiracy theorists.
@CCARR77_PSN said in Hey Chicago whaddya say, them Cards gonna lose today!:
@DoIHearBossMusic_MLBTS said in Hey Chicago whaddya say, them Cards gonna lose today!:
A Cubs fan talking mess, been a looong tme since I've seen that haha
It's all fun and games. I'll probably cry if the Cardinals sign Willson Contreras this off-season, so don't feel bad.
No, there is a lot of logic to this happening. Why didnβt the Cubbies trade him? Still donβt get it. Hiding a rebuild from fans. Very much annoys me.
Still down for me. Ps4. Has anyone followed the instructions and reported it in the general thread?
@SaveFarris_PSN said in Legendary players you would like to see added:
Chris Gaines
Go ahead and add Michael Jordan, Will Ferrell, Billy Crystal, and Kurt Russell as well!
Oh and we canβt forget Eddie Vedder!
https://pagesix.com/wp-content/uploads/sites/3/2020/02/veddercubs020.jpg?quality=75&strip=all&w=809 -
My sound is crackling in and out like I am having connection issues yet gameplay is fine. Anyone having this problem or know the fix?
As a Cub fan who grew up in the 90s, I would LOVE to see Mark Grace. He was the hits leader in all of baseball that decade that produced a lot of hall of famers.
As a baseball fan, pull up top 100 hit leaders of each decade. The list will pull out some great forgotten names, memories, and is a GREAT place to start in finding some fresh names and moments to add to the game. -
Pretty sure I am ganna break a controller on this showdown. Yeah, I am that kid, except Iβm 44.
Howβs bragging camp going?
Hey guys.
Is there a place they post when system is down or being updated? Maybe itβs there and I am not seeing it. -
OS Version:
App Version:
Issue:Including this information, I have found, makes the process go about 10 times faster guys, otherwise, your first few interactions are going to be them gathering this information anyway. The format is layed out, copy, paste, fill in info. Happy gaming!
I have put in a ticket recently as well. I did get a response and issue was fixed.
Even if no response, would you rather continually be ignored or would you hope that they would improve themselves by addressing the issue? Patience young Skywalker.
Problem: Mexico City Showdown error
Player updates
Blur when pitching plz help!
Blur when pitching plz help!
Companion App Technical Support
companion app/web
Servers 4:50
Servers 4:50
Servers 4:50
Servers 4:50
Hey Chicago whaddya say, them Cards gonna lose today!
Servers 4:50
Legendary players you would like to see added
Sound issues
Legendary players you would like to see added
New Showdown / Conquest
Not a bad 30 minutes...
System updates
Companion App Technical Support
Companion App Technical Support