I'll trade in my PS4 when you use "your" correctly.

Last year: "You're giving us 99's too early!"
This year: "Where are all the 99's?!
SDS is damned if they do, damned if they don't.
ok, thanks
Can't let anyone enjoy anything, can you guys?
@dodgerslakers1 said in Road to 300 compared to last year:
I’m already at 171 stars lol
Good for you.
It's a long season. Just have patience boys.
The devs can't reply to all the complaints on these forums, or else they wouldn't have time to work on those things that everyone complains about...
Listen, this is a f*cked up time we're all in right now. My guess is that there is essentially a skeleton crew working at SDS trying to fix the problems and work on the content at the same time. Everyone just needs to relax.
Max Kepler 2 bombs in his first 2 ABs of the season
The agenda rages on, boys!
@KBizzyGetBusy said in Servers down:
Let's all be realistic and possibly expect them to not be up right away. The game officially dropped today and I'm sure SDS has limited the number of people who go in office to deal with these issues in real time. I don't work or have a background in IT, but I'm pretty certain they can't do server maintenance remotely.
Rational thinking is frowned upon around these parts.
@sandule said in SDS PATCH SAYS ONE THING:
Yes I am not very happy either. I understand their goal is to make money and for those that like to spend money on content, good on you. But I like everyone else paid for the actual game (not content) and expect a certain level of game play. I am glad that there is good content out there but they need to fix the game play as well. There are still issues with timing and user input in pitching as well as many others from looking on these forums.
It almost seems like pure stubbornness that they are refusing to admit that their game has issues. It took the players league and pro players bad mouthing fielding for anything to get done!
It's too bad as I really like the game and have bought it every year since 07. And since DD came to be, the focus on game play has been less and less and the amount of bugs/issues has been more and more!
They have been promising more offline content, and there was a bit of that this year, but it didn't included our DD teams! I preorder the Digital Deluxe edition every year with the hopes of more offline DD modes, yet the only thing I can do with my DD team is conquest or play vs cpu, which they are reducing the xp to in this new patch!!! So no more Digital Deluxe Preorder for me next year. I will just pick it up used 1 month after release and save myself the heartache.
Is anyone here happy...like, ever?
...said no-one ever.
@Crimson_Monk I'm not exactly clear on what you're trying to say here...
@Nanthrax_1 said in Picked off:
If my opponent gets on base with a 99 speed guy (or really anyone above 70) and decides to take an extra step, I will throw over or step off every single time.
You're playing another human being. Do you really expect to be given a free base?? Especially with a 99 speed card..
Then to come on a forum and be angry about being picked off.. unreal.
If you can't steal without the extra step, or be more sneaky about it, expect this result.People come to this forum angry about literally EVERYTHING...
And if you have a 90+ speed guy on, you don't need to take an extra lead over what the CPU gives you. You want the base, just go from there, and unless the catcher has an absolute cannon behind the plate, more often then not, you'll get the bag.
Give me a Tim Lincecum and a Joe Nathan card and I'll be happy
@olivegarden2 said in Oh good, turn-based Conquest is back...:
What is the map like?
It's the PS triangle, circle, X, and square
Dropping the 'R' word isn't a good look man
Total homer pick here, but I'll go with Sonny Gray.
@pat_sds_psn said in Anyone else having this issue?:
Hi! What kind of device do you have? Also, have you tried to quit and reopen the app to see if the issue persists? Thanks!
I closed it and reopened it and everything works fine now, thanks
3rd inning is a bust for me
600 star cap
99 Maddux is the best pitcher in the game
Road to 300 compared to last year
Now that the fake cards are out of the way..
Where are the Devs?
Topps now
6 IP, 5 H, 1 ER, 1 BB, 7 K
Servers down
Oh good, turn-based Conquest is back...
Under the Radar FOTF...
Picked off
I only get play the games a lose
SDS needs to prioritize getting the rights to more pitching legends
Oh good, turn-based Conquest is back...
Now I remember why I left this game
Who is your prediction for the monthly lightning card?
Anyone else having this issue?