Did you try this @sarg2020_PSN ?
Did it work if you did try it?

I am not sure if you are still looking... but I would search for batting stances for MLB the show online, there is a forum post that has a good breakdown on the "generic player" batting stances.
Has anyone else noticed this?
One is #22
One is #25 -
Okay so you're gonna do what I just did, only later in the year when it won't matter for THIS year but in hopes something changes for next year? Yet you want to criticize me for attempting to get a fix NOW for a game we currently PLAY.
Thanks for comment Timothy. -
I am currently attempting to help the entire community get better gameplay and communication from a company that can spare the effort and time.
You should give it a shot too instead of playing the simp Timmy contrarian. -
I use it because it triggers such responses as you just delivered. You know exactly how it makes YOU feel. That's why I called you that.... Timmy.
They fixed the "Intentional Walk Glitch" within 3 days... So yeah... I guess it does work Timmy.
Keep being a contrarian. Continue to skip the forest for the trees. This post is not meant to garner a response to how YOU feel about it. I know that may blow your mind. It was to point out some of the repeated issues the community shares on a daily basis as you watch each streamer.
You can let one or two if the individual points upset you, and base your entire push back on those but it will not change the swathe of issues this game faces.
Sure is a fun game, but we're way past the point of terrible communication and service from a large company. -
Simp on Timmy, it changes nothing about this flawed online game and the terrible communication from a multi-million dollar company.
@kovz88_psn said in So... about that latest update:
You don't need to go 12-0 to get the flawless rewards this year.
Player programs have always been fun cards more for newer players and theme teams they have never been the best card at the moment.
They did apologize and acknowledge the server issues during the 2nd inning stream.
Anything else you want to be wrong about?
You're right. You can go through the entire BR program to achieve 1 of the rewards. The point is that you must EARN that difficult card when you can do a set of "moments" and get almost equally as good of a card in less than a week of that BR reward dropping. I am sure the nuance to that skipped you though.
Acknowledged and apologized for the server issue during the second stream? Thanks I guess? How long ago was that? How many server problems still occur? What fix is in the works? Where have they communicated that fix?
What about all the other server issues that CONTINUE everyday? Keep being a jock strap for a company with terrible PR. -
@dolenz_psn said in So... about that latest update:
Lets just make everyone a 99 with maxxed out stats. That way we can be assured that every reward is usable. Make Ozzie Smith as powerful as Trevor Story. Make Cal Ripkin as fast a Ozzie Smith. Just make cookie cutter cards so that they are all interchangeable.
By the way Ozzie and Bob Gibson are absolutely on one of my squads that I will use for conquest and other offline content.
That Stanton card you link has 125 power against both sides to go with gold fielding and you are going to complain about his 64 contact vs righties (117 against lefties).
Majority of what you said does not need a response from players who take the game seriously on any level.
Ozzie and Bob on your OFFLINE team... next
Stanton 125 power is fantastic. How do you get the card again? Oh, that's right going 12-0 in BR. How many Flawless do you have? You yourself specifically? I'm guessing that because you play conquest with Bob and Ozzie offline you have 0, I could be wrong.
When you bust your [censored] to achieve a Flawless reward you want it to be BETTER than a flavor of the week TOPPS now card. 64 contact WILL NEVER get you anywhere on HOF or higher. But again, I REALLY doubt you play on those levels for your viewpoint.Thanks for comment Timmy.
I do not know why the format of that 2nd reply came out that way, I recreated a thread so it's much easier on the eyes, I apologize.
(These are just MY opinions. Everything is not black and white. There are nuances to each point.)
Point 1
2 months of bad communication with player base
Server goes down for 8+ hours, not one word from any of the social media contacts not one word about anything while still advertising game content during said down time. (I know they have scheduled tweets that does NOT excuse 0 response on social media for hours)
(scroll through the comments section)Point 2
Unacceptable amount of server interruptions, downtime, and Challenge Failed
Here are the server outage reports from Down Detector for MLB the Show 21
June - https://ibb.co/YLPL1qz
May - 1) https://ibb.co/rb24jJv 2) https://ibb.co/Gpc6YLQ
April - 1) https://ibb.co/hyqyDQt 2) https://ibb.co/mDmh5ycPoint 3
Multiple ways to "freeze" the game
(Example)Point 4
Multiple amounts of random Disconnects from server
(Example)Point 5
Recycled Innings Programs that are completed within hours
(Example)- Program Drops https://ibb.co/bdPtzXn
- Card obtained within hours of program drop https://ibb.co/v4h6BCL
- Full video of Koogs46 debut for Troy Glaus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TXV_xdlxjGE
Point 6
Headliner cards that are not usable
(1) https://twitter.com/MLBTheShow/status/1407352679744131073 --- https://ibb.co/VWRpTVG
(2) https://twitter.com/MLBTheShow/status/1403336212820201472 --- https://ibb.co/s5yVfTn
(3) https://twitter.com/MLBTheShow/status/1395771376120864768 --- https://ibb.co/gy4XFnT
(4) https://twitter.com/MLBTheShow/status/1392102197094195200 --- https://ibb.co/1mXh4CmPoint 7
Player Program cards that do not see the field
(Example)- Dave Parker
a) https://twitter.com/MLBTheShow/status/1405971325072687107
b) https://ibb.co/sVvgPh6 - Juan Marichal
a) https://twitter.com/MLBTheShow/status/1403434359672082432
b) https://ibb.co/n65NHyd - Ozzie Smith
a) https://twitter.com/MLBTheShow/status/1407397984195596289
b) https://ibb.co/CpyNsbH - Bruce Sutter
a) https://theshow.com/new-player-program-collections-event-more-in-the-2nd-inning/
b) https://ibb.co/Gtpp0pX
Point 8
Events with SUB PAR rewards
(Example)- Pee Wee Reece
a) https://twitter.com/MLBTheShow/status/1398715769781903364
b) https://ibb.co/VMD2bfD - John Olerud
a) https://twitter.com/MLBTheShow/status/1407420626688614400
b) https://ibb.co/2KwhHxq - Asdrubal Cabera
a) https://twitter.com/mlbtheshow/status/1393337371320479745?lang=en
b) https://ibb.co/Ms6rDrX
Point 9
BR Flawless reward with 64 contact . . .
https://ibb.co/yF8HbN2Topps Now reward (within 7 days of BR reward)
https://ibb.co/WvhPkPDPoint 10
The Windows
(Example)Point 11
Bad Baserunning
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mopHmnQZycPoint 12
No PCI foul balls
Is there a way to erase players to start over?
Josh Hamilton batting stance?
2 different Al Leiter's in game...?
So... about that latest update
So... about that latest update
So... about that latest update
So... about that latest update
So... about that latest update
So... about that latest update
So... about that latest update
So... about that latest update
Concerns I want to share