Please for the love of god if you game is gonna be broken trash from here on out, atleast turn on balks so these bush league pansies will stop quick pitching!
Jul 1, 2020, 2:23 AM
Jun 25, 2020, 1:39 PM
Here’s an idea, get rid of this broken hitting system, and over powering pitchers so the game will be fun again. All these 2-1 and 1-0 games are boring. Once you enter the 700s the game goes to complete [censored]. Even when you do square them up, it’s a hard lineout right at somebody. Or pop ups on a perfect/good, good/perfect, or good/good swings. With an occasional solo shot. Lol I don’t understand how anybody could be satisfied with this. Yal are making millions off spoiled little rich kids that buy full rosters of 99 overall players as soon as they buy the game, but can’t fix a couple of hitting bugs. And I know all you show gods, and streamers are gonna argue like there’s nothing wrong with it, it’s perfect blah blah whatever, but I wish one of you would do something about it, bc SDS bends over backwards to make you guys happy, that’s why the game is [censored] to begin with.
Mar 29, 2020, 6:32 AM
@MarkW127 said in The new hitting engine made by San Diego!:
I cant believe this! The hitting is such a crucial aspect of the game for which it even impedes the pitching and defensive aspects of play. The hitting engine is top priority above all..... and now it looks like this entire year will be played fantastically because they actually NAILED IT!
No really im not being sarcastic I enjoy this year a lot, the approach at the plate is taken from a realistic standpoint, the timing in all quadrants are right on the the power distribution and contact of batters isnt much to complain about. This is an improvement from 19 even tho that was actually not bad since it was a much improved version on 18 which was sadly all broken due to the poor hitting and pitching mechanics.
This years great so seriously.... theres not much to complain about!!! Lets just wait for them to release a lot of new cards.
If you wanna all complain lets complain for the canceled mlb season
If square a pitch up in the center of my PCI on good timing, and the contact result just says “okay” That is broken. I can’t count the number of times, I popped up a squared up pitch with good timing. I will say before the patch, the game was perfect in my opinion, I loved it. It was fun, but now? It’s boring. You might like lining out 8 out of 10 squared up pitches against overly dominant pitching, but not me. If I earn good contact, I should be rewarded, instead I’m rewarded late jam shot base hit dinkers more commonly. That’s kinda backwards. 19 was bad, but this is by far the worst Show ever made.
Mar 29, 2020, 6:21 AM
Might as well delete it, I did. 8 out 10 squared up pitches will be line outs against pitchers with high H/9 ratings. Idk why they have made pitching so dominant and over powering. The game isn’t even fun if you can’t hit.
Mar 29, 2020, 6:16 AM
Nothing. There’s nothing great about this year’s show. I really didn’t think they could do any worse with the PCI and hitting after 19, but they proved me wrong. Wasted that $100 on digital deluxe. I ain’t gonna lie, before the first patch update, it was honestly the best show ever made, then just like usual, SDS ruins it with their first update patch. But the crooks already made millions off of stubs, they could care less. Already deleted from my hard drive.
Mar 20, 2020, 9:47 PM
I said enough in the topic bar. You finally done something right in 3 years, first update and it’s trashed again.
Mar 20, 2020, 6:36 AM
Gahhh it only took you a week to destroy a good thing. I thought you guys had actually fixed the issues, and here we are again after one update. Right back to 18 and 19 all over again. We get it, you wanna make money, you want us to spend a fortune on your [censored] show and buy all the high diamond pitching so we can compete, it’s pathetic. I’ve had more fun playing this game since the release than ever before, just to get on tonight and square up pitches for hard line outs 95% of the time because of your hard on for dominant pitching. Another year of weak late contact jammed bleeders. So exciting. Quit trying to fix what ISNT BROKEN!
Turn on Balks! Turn on Balks! TURN ON BALKS!!!!!!!!
Super Pitchers, Broken Hitting, I miss the Show 17
The new hitting engine made by San Diego!
Fix it already!
Best part about this year's game
New Patch. Trash.
Your new update sucks! Once again!