Yeah. Just lost over 85k

Go to top left corner of map. There is a hidden territory there. Add fans around the top left corner and it will show you where you can attack on next turn.
Restarted game and it gave me rewards.
I have done that. Not giving me credit for one of them. Still says 4/5 but I have captured all al east strongholds
Wow. I have no idea which one I haven't played yet. So you have to replay the map and try to figure out which division strongholds you haven't çaptured. Waste of time.
Have captured all al east strongholds but goals still showing 4/5.
Anyone else having the same problem? -
Still not working for myself either.
Lost stubs
Completed Pujols conquest but no rewards
Conquest map
Conquest map
Conquest map
Conquest map
Eckersley Issues