Hitting was great. Playing games was fun again. Why on Earth would you make it harder? Not even a week into the game! I'll bet 90 percent of players loved the hitting the way it was. So disappointed.

@Dolenz said in The three features that received the most L's in todays stream:
- Prestige Diamonds can only be earned by grinding stats online
- If you collect a card then that card is completely unsellable. No quick selling.
- Three Batter minimum applies in BR (I don't play BR and this seems extreme even to me)
Overall, I loved all the new stuff and it pushed me forward to pre-order. The first one is really the only one that kind of tilted me a little.
Yeah, they keep saying "play the game the way you want to" then they do that. You just wonder what else will be online only as time goes by.
Some people never get Trout's live card because he costs so much. This gives them a chance to play with at least a lower version of him.
With everything that's going on right now, this game couldn't have come out at a better time. Sure, there are issues with it, but it sure is nice to have the distraction of playing a fun game and taking your mind off what is going on in the world for a while.
That being said, in my personal opinion the hitting is great at launch. I'm offline only, so I can't speak to online at all, but for me it's been just right. Please don't change it!!! -
Hitting was too easy before. It‘s more balanced now. Hate to be THAT guy, but perhaps y’all need to learn to hit better. SDS made the change because batting averages across the board were too high. Y’all just happen to not be as good of hitters as the average player apparently.
I can't see anywhere in these comments that anyone claimed to be good at this game. We bought the game to have fun. It was fun before the patch and now it's much less fun. So since we're not as good as you are, we're not allowed to have fun playing a video game?
@GradektheBard said in Quitting or "Dashboard" solution?:
The solution is simple: don’t have any online only stat requirements. Problem solved.
Totally agree. Most of us offline players don't want to ever play online, but don't want to be left out of so many good players that we can only get online..
I understand it's easier to get stats offline, so fine just make two different stat requirements. -
Oscar Charleston would be a pretty fantastic card. Gibson might immediately be the best catcher. Paige would probably drive people crazy online. Rogan, Bell, Dandridge, and so many more.
If it helps anybody, I posted an order for him November 29 and got him overnight.
@YOSHI24 it's just that those are among my favorite guys to play with. It galls me to know I have them but can't use them. What's the point if you can't play with the players you want to? Just don't like that aspect of sets and Seasons.
I don't claim to be a NL expert or anything, but it is something I've been interested in for several years. This assumes they will have 8 new players again this year, mix of pitchers and position players.
I imagine they will have one marquee name, which would probably mean either
1 Josh Gibson or Cool Papa Bell, likely not both. We all know about these guys.
2 Oscar Charleston, cf. John McGraw said he was the best all around player he ever saw. High praise from a guy who saw Honus, Babe, Cobb etc.
3 Willie "Devil" Wells, SS. Another all around great. Won NL triple crown. They called him the black Honus Wagner.
4 Mule Suttles, 1b-of. Power hitter.
5 Gentleman Dave Malarcher, rhp. Actually played all over the field, a lot like Dihugo. Maybe not quite as good, though.
6 Smokey Joe Williams, rhp. Blazing fastball.
7 Double Duty Radcliffe, rhp-c. He would often pitch the first game of a double header, then catch the second game. Amazing.
8 Bill Foster, lhp. One of the best lefties in NL history.
Just wild guesses, really. Plenty of others to choose from. Great names like Turkey Stearns, Bullet Rogan, Cristobol Torriente, Buck Leonard and tons more. -
For the third time this year I have lost MTOs while in the playoffs with different teams. After putting in several hours I have little to show for it.
Authentication error, whatever that is. SDS has made it clear they don't care, they've already walked away from the mode. They don't even answer an email.
My advice to anyone thinking of trying it, just don't.
This company is hard to understand, it's like they want people to quit playing their game. -
Offline base stealing does not reflect reality. If you try to steal against the CPU, you will consistently fail. Even with good base stealers. CPU pitchouts and pick offs are absurd, very far out of balance with real life MLB.
Many of us offline players have just removed base stealing from consideration, just quit doing it altogether, other that the rare situations where the CPU never piches out.
This glitch at least brought some fun back to the game. Should Gary Sanchez be able to steal consistently? Of course not. But Rickey Henderson should, right?
The percentage of times the CPU pitches out or picks off after you signal a steal is beyond reason. -
Not a fan of Moments at all. Wish they would drop them altogether.
@Speedy44 said in When the TA are not 99’s:
round 3 will most likely all be 94-97 with that 4th being the 99
I'll be surprised if the final round isn't Finest.
I'd prefer just empty seats, honestly.
At 68, I wonder if I'm the oldest person playing this game. Yes, retired. Used to love to play the Strat O Matic board game. For me this game is Strat O Matic brought to life. Offline only for me.
I'm betting there is a big one coming, probably revealed in the stream Thursday.
Playing with the Reds, I get a no hitter opportunity with Miley. I know it's a long shot because before I throw a pitch the pitch count is 83.
So I strike out the side. Then in the bottom of the 7th, they pinch hit for Miley and I fail the mission!
So in other words, they gave me a mission I could not possibly win. Then punished me with two ice balls for failing. Then the Dodgers rally with 4 in the ninth, and I get a bonus of another ice ball.
Anyone else have anything like this happen? -
I try to be a patient person, but man! I play DD pretty heavily since Show 17. This is even worse than then. I've had server error probably about 200 plus times. If not more. It just doesn't seem like the game was ready to roll out. Frustrating.
I play video games for fun and relaxation. I wish there was a way to give the really good, competitive players more difficult hitting like the want and leave the other 90 percent of us alone.
Why change hitting?!
The three features that received the most L's in todays stream
Trout is a FoTF card
Thanks for the distraction
Quitting or "Dashboard" solution?
MLB reclassified Negro League as major league
Anybody else waiting until the streams to preorder?
NEGRO League player predictions
Done with MTO
So... we shouldn’t get perfect jumps against the CPU?
Has anyone had fun playing moments?
When the TA are not 99’s
What’s your preference? Fake crowds or cardboard cutouts
Are there many retirees that play MLBTS?
New Legends Feel a Little Underwhelming?
Impossible mission
Server Stability 4/21/21 - UPDATE
Undo the hitting patch please