Hello, I can’t speak for anyone else, but I will say this: I often wonder if my opponents feel this frustration towards me. Often times I find myself falling into a rhythm of catch it, throw it, catch it, throw it without really thinking about it. It’s not intentional per say and I certainly don’t do it to try to get any kind of advantage, it just happens. I think it may be partially from my childhood when I played baseball from little league through HS ball, as a pitcher the main thing I remember coaches telling me was “work quickly and throw strikes.” As far as what to do, use time out and pause and for me a chat if u r on Xbox asking me to slow down would not bother me at all. This might not be much in the way of a solution, but I hope it lets you know that we all aren’t 12 year olds trying to [censored] you off. I actually have grand kids older than 12 and have seen more games at Fulton county stadium than turner and Truist combined/I’m old as f**k. Hehe. Good Luck out there!

I’ve experienced Yandy Diaz vs Spencer Turnbull at least 1,000 more times than I hope to ever play any other hitter vs pitcher matchup in this game. I’ve homered in my first two ABs only to not get another hit. I’ve bunted hit it on a line weakly bounced seriously belted and 3 hits in a game seems to be impossible. I now need 1 point to complete this entire program. Cmon Yandy, may this post remove the anger of the baseball gods.
What's up with all the quick pitching online lately?
Stuck in a moment… and you can’t get out of it?