@samguenther1987_PSN Thanks for the advice. I did exactly as you directed and beat this moment the first time after changing my lineup.
Same here. I got the email and no pack and received them all in 22.
When using the pitch location assist in game, the glove for the location is very hard to see. As someone that can see fine with glasses, I can only imagine how difficult it is for players with visual impairments to see this indicator.
Did this patch fix anything with the lag and stuttering?
Have the framerate issues that people were having while playing on PS4 and XBONE been fixed after today's patch? Just curious so I know whether to get the game or not.
Its even doing it on Moments. I can't get through the Suzuki Moment to get an XBH because the runner on 1st sees the ball land in the outfield and stops.
As in it doesn't show on the Progress screen. I have been for a couple of weeks. I submitted a bug report.
I got disconnected playing a Conquest game just now. Happened twice in the last 2 days.
Troy Perceval Moment
Scouting Report Packs 2023
Pitch Location Indicator
Really Bad lag and stuttering on all modes on ps4
Framerate Issues After Patch PS4 and XBONE
Baserunners stopping midway in basepath when stealing
Not getting XP
Servers Down?