Framerate Issues After Patch PS4 and XBONE
Have the framerate issues that people were having while playing on PS4 and XBONE been fixed after today's patch? Just curious so I know whether to get the game or not.
Also wondering for Xbox one
Im going to guess no. That really isnt something that is patchable for a whole game. Thats a hardware issue. If it was just a particular stadium or something then maybe they could lower the texture in that specific area.
It seems to be a little bit better for me after the patch on Xbox One but still nowhere near “fixed”.
PS4 cut scenes slow down but gameplay seems improved.
Stutter seems to be gone.
Man, this issue is a deal breaker...feels like a PS2 era game
Nope is still there and somehow the crowd looks worse than MLB 22 smh
Apr 6, 2023, 11:57 AM
Apr 8, 2023, 3:08 PM