A few animation and cosmetic ideas for next years game.
Make multiple players going after the ball more often and being able to call off other fielders.
when players slide into bases, instead of them getting up right away quickly, have them stay on the ground and calling for time, especially with head first slides.
when players that wear elbow and shin pads, show them taking off their equipment handing it to BB or 1st/3rd base coach.
more pants and jersey style options, such as unbuttoned jerseys, players that wear their pants a little baggier or players that wear them 70’s/80’s early 90’s style at the shin. Lots of players are bringing that look back now. As well as players who wear their pants a little above knee or right at knee like boe bichette/hunter pence.
add the base running hand equipment to the players back pocket while at bat sticking out.
player collisions or bumping animations when in contact with another player.