I can purchase cards through the marketplace, view my inventory, and even open packs that I have received or already purchased in game. However, when it comes to purchasing packs in the store on the app, I always get "an error occurred".

@coachpeery_MLBTS said in Having trouble accessing my MLB 23 Dashboard here on the website:
I have tried both accounts, the switch account and the show account. I have linked them, and I have unlinked them... I have tried everything I can think of.
From my show account, I get an "invalid user token"
When I use the switch account I get a quick page that is now working then "There is an issue connecting your account to the MLB servers, please make sure you have played the game first before trying again."These are the exact same errors I have gotten as well.
I've been having this issue for weeks now. I can access all features of MLB The Show 22 fine, but when it comes to MLBTS 23, I always get the error that everyone here is describing. I've done the same fixes that many others have tried in this past and none of them have worked.
Can't Open Packs on Companion App
Having trouble accessing my MLB 23 Dashboard here on the website
Having trouble accessing my MLB 23 Dashboard here on the website