@YOSHI24 Happened to me also in ranked and an event. Once with Randy and Once with Corbin Burnes. I was facing Burns and he threw left handed and my Randy threw right handed. I just paused and quit both times. But yes it has happened twice for me this year as well.

BR doesn't have that option. It didn't last year. Just pitch him every game like everybody else does cause his stamina is broken.
@evanchance RA Dickey was a killer.
It happened to me yesterday. I stopped running cause I thought it was a homerun.
@kvppy716 Send them a screen of your claimed packs in the report an issue tab.
Trout out of the packs we got for free. 2nd best was Luis Roberts.
Tropic Thunder sheeesh. Only dude to do black face and get away with it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jhvnDJFmU5s
multiple post on this within 24 hours. that's what's new.................
@Bearsfan217_XBL said in Fixing bunting please:
You are not good enough to complain.
You still playing madden any.
conquest is definitely faster on ps5
Dam memories to MLB 15, 16. Mathodman was a good watch.
Can the MVP get better vision. That low vision for years has to be raised.
The Phonte song is fire. Classic bars.
I bought 1000 subs and it was there. I heard you had to purchase stubs so I got the lowest amount. Now twitch packs are still missing tho
Good [censored]. I can 2nd that with Hal. I have 2 with him. Got one on Cinco de Mayo with him. He is nasty
Just press L1 while you're in your bullpen
@Alimathus said in Pitching Glitch/Throwing Glitch:
Their so called perfect throw meter is mangled as well. Not sure if its lag related or what, but ill have an inning where every infield throw gets glitched and stuck at the start of red. Only started after last patch/full release. Changes the outcome of the game drastically
This is what's happening to me. I just keep pressing the button until the play is over so he won't throw it.
It keeps happening to me as well. I'm about to change to see if it's just a meter glitch. But you're not the only one.
Pitching Glitch
Babe Ruth in Battle royale not a 2 way player?
Matt Waldron
Foul Pole Glitch
Twitch Packs
All right - let's get this party started - post your first LS diamond pull here
How do you people hit with Chipper?
Freeze off what's new?
Fixing bunting please
PS4 vs. PS5
Cardinal bird 5
Aaron Judge speed
any1 else think the soundtrack needs to be trashed?
Still not received Pre-Order Bonus
Hal Newhouser
Prior RP??
Pitching Glitch/Throwing Glitch
Pitching Glitch/Throwing Glitch