So Davis and Mantle count toward the mission completion?

He is winning games with these HRs too. I think 3 more HRs is a safe bet.
Wednesday night will be the Waino-Yadi record. It would be amazing if he gets it in that game.
I assume that you are playing against the cpu only? If so, I suggest continuing to use directional hitting and concentrate on pitch selection and timing. Learning these two skills is important and will help you later if you decide to advance to zone hitting. Try to take marginal pitches until you get into a two-strike count. Your contact will improve if you are swinging at pitches over the plate (your pitch) instead of on the edges of the strike zone (pitcher's pitch). Also, you will lower the pitcher's confidence and that will result in seeing more mistake pitches.
#694 tonight
@SaveFarris_PSN said in Medical bill:
Better Call James McGill!
You win the Internet for today. Thank you.
This is the biggest problem in the game IMO. I use auto baserunning. I want the baserunners to be smart enough to go on contact with two outs. I don't want baserunners to retreat to the origin base AFTER the line drive falls in safely. I am willing to give up that extra base that I could have gained by controlling the runners. I just want them to make the routine plays correctly. PLEASE!
Pujols since the All-Star break... 19G, 13GS, 58 PA, .453/.500/.962, 8 HR, 18 RBI
Most of this production was in August so POTM?
I gave classic baserunning a try, and it still runs for me automatically. Is classic just auto with the option to manually control?
He just hit 693 at Wrigley. That's 8 HR in his last ~50 PA.
Baserunners that are subject to a force play should always advance on a struck ball when there are two outs. It seems like this would be an easy fix.
and it really did help me...
I will post the answer in case others are interested. Vision has the same effect in all modes. High vison helps the batter make contact even with bad timing and/or bad pci placement (auto or manual), resulting in fewer misses (but maybe more popups and groundouts).
@Lookattherhino_MLBTS said in [If Directional is So Easy...]
If you pause during any game go into the controls/strategy guide part of the pause menu and under strategy guide click batting. They’ll have 8-10 pages that explains everything almost perfectly and you’ll love it
Thanks! I didn't know this existed.
I only play against the CPU, and I switch back and forth between zone and directional. I use directional for the HR moments, and I usually go with zone for conquest and mini-season unless I am really tired or my eyes are bothering me. My understanding is that you place the PCI with zone and you only influence the PCI placement with directional. The vision stat would influence the result with directional because a better vision is more likely to be able to adjust to a bad PCI placement. Does the vision stat influence the result with zone hitting, or is it all based on your placement?
I did the map twice including all strongholds. I got the 30K the first time and the extra packs (but no extra 30K) the second trip.
If this card is a monster, does it replace HRD JRod?
Previous 3 program bosses?
Albert Hits Number 703 (10/3/22) - Moves into sole possession of 2nd place all-time in RBIs
Albert Hits Number 703 (10/3/22) - Moves into sole possession of 2nd place all-time in RBIs
Trying to get better at the game.
Albert Hits Number 703 (10/3/22) - Moves into sole possession of 2nd place all-time in RBIs
Medical bill
SDS fix the Baserunning !!
Albert Hits Number 703 (10/3/22) - Moves into sole possession of 2nd place all-time in RBIs
Auto baserunning
Albert Hits Number 703 (10/3/22) - Moves into sole possession of 2nd place all-time in RBIs
Auto baserunning
If Directional is So Easy...
If Directional is So Easy...
If Directional is So Easy...
Conquest Map Confusion
Seeing quite a bit of chatter about Cutch being it