There needs to be a Hitter wildcard spot and a Pitcher wildcard spot next year SDS. This has become so apparently clear to me the more I build my rotation to be the best it can be for ranked.

Want to hear some funny ways to describe how simply god awful this extreme Piazza is for yall. Like did they put him in extreme program because he is extremely worse than every other catcher in set 3?
@nymets1987_PSN said in My opinion on how to make Captians better:
I have said this in many threads.... in programs captains should be the 1st thing u get thats how u make me use them more
Problem is SDS sees the captains in that program as reward for getting to the end of it.
Events are just harder now with a huge reward for 12 wins and huge amount of stubs from that card versus previously when events got you like 30-40k tops. Gonna be a lot more goon teams going for that 12 game reward.
@talesofwyn_PSN said in Please make June POTM set 3:
I expect it to be set 3 though I am a bit surprised they did not line up set 3 with the all star game so they didn't have to think on the new TA so all my guesses are out the window
Pretty sure set 3 TA will be ASG cards. Starters are revealed on June 29th and set 3 starts the Friday before the ASG. SDS isn’t going to waste the opportunity to use them to make TA easy for them to create especially with them going in house with card design.
Yeah this definitely won’t jinx anything.
"Morty, what are you doing to me? Mortyyy!! 5 more minutes of this and I’m gonna get mad. It’s not my fault this is happening."
Just played a ranked game and dude quit in top of 9th after Trea dinger and I got zero progress in any of the missions. Ks/XBHs/TBs all the same. SMH. Make the season harder to earn rewards then don’t even give me stats I’ve earned. Completely done with Ranked and what it has become.
@dap1234567890 said in Best Post Game vs CPU on Rookie Reward Ever!:
LS Jacob DeGrom! Thank you very much for all those stubs!!!
Forgot to say congrats homie.
@allday9128_PSN said in Best Post Game vs CPU on Rookie Reward Ever!:
@OppoTacoz_MLBTS said in Best Post Game vs CPU on Rookie Reward Ever!:
Nah I’m saying I’ve played 6 full length cpu games grinding this P5s last night and today and the screen for rewards never even shows up. Hard to tell if I got 6 new bronze cards in my binder now hahahaha.
Same here man, didn't receive any last year in the couple games i played and I played a game on Legend vs cpu earlier this year for the Easter egg and won and in the post game screen I got the egg but no player card.
Yeah not sure what was causing it but xp gains bar would show like normal and reward would always be above it but those 6 games there was nothing. Just finished a game just now and it finally showed a bronze card reward so I don’t know lol. 1 more game to get Mickey to P4 so we’ll see what happens next screen.
Nah I’m saying I’ve played 6 full length cpu games grinding this P5s last night and today and the screen for rewards never even shows up. Hard to tell if I got 6 new bronze cards in my binder now hahahaha.
Not even getting them
@jtel14_mlbts said in Mini Seasons Stadium:
Going to grind out mini seasons 10 run challenge... can anyone point me to the best custom stadium to use? Thanks!
Parallel Park and Space Station Moonshot
Don’t get me started on bullets up the middle where the pitchers’ legs become massive tree trunks that stop balls dead.
@dlgltal-athlete_psn said in Headliners choice pack question:
1:3 odds doesn't mean that 1 out of every 3 you buy will contain a Diamond. It means that 1 out of every 3 SOLD should contain a Diamond.
You may buy 3 packs back-to-back-back; but if 1000's of other people are buying them at the same time......
I was told there would be no math.
Gotta pick the right jersey
@imdfc_psn said in Summer bundle:
I did eventually get the packs, got Javy Baez just seconds before his value cratered
Where you seeing this cratered?
Frank, Casty, Devers, Yordan, Escobar.
Devers more than likely since his card released first.
There should be 2 wildcard spots SDS
Describe how bad This Piazza card is
My opinion on how to make Captians better
Event Games Are Ridiculous
Please make June POTM set 3
99 Set 3 J-Rod coming on 10 July
SDS should be ashamed of this game.
Zero Ranked mission stats earned
Best Post Game vs CPU on Rookie Reward Ever!
Best Post Game vs CPU on Rookie Reward Ever!
Best Post Game vs CPU on Rookie Reward Ever!
Best Post Game vs CPU on Rookie Reward Ever!
[ranked] 96 Alfonso Soriano or 96 George Springer for CF
Mini Seasons Stadium
They need to buff good/good swings
Headliners choice pack question
Headliners choice pack question
Summer bundle
The All Star of the Franchise Predictions