Will there be any more players or cards released in MLBTS21? Just wondering l if I need to still hold onto any of my $$$$. Thanks!

Omegaeod _MLBTS
Larkin rips is truth! Just have to know how to use him as intended. He is a disciplined contact hitter. Don’t chase and sit on proper pitches and he will rip it every at bat.
@yankblan_psn said in Auction House Is Kind Of A Scam IMO:
It’s because you don’t understand the system; never sell now. Go in auction and put your card to sell; sell now is the lowest current bid, 99% of the time it’s well below market value because people don’t care/get fooled.
The sell now is the ‘highest’ current bid on a card. Reason why high demand players sell now can be 1 mil stubs.
@aaronjw76_psn said in Will tech test items from diamond dynasty transfer to full game?:
Ppl gotta be trolling with these posts right? Thats the only thing that makes sense.
Nope.. people are just plain stupid
Game plays great offline
Yes! I think everyone should try this when playing online!
Correct… unless you’re playing with friends, the toxicity is multiplied.
If someone uses uses a player mainly offline, he is likely a mainly offline player. No matter what you have an advantage because they’re not used to playing online with that player or not at all.
@xxchaosmnkyxx_psn said in I can’t stop…:
I made this suggestion once but since this is the topic I was trying to cover I'll try it again.
Once you get a player to PV would you like the option of redeeming that card, you don't lose the card but reset it to base value, for some sort of really cool reward that's specifically for paralleled V cards?
That way you get to keep using cards that you really like and able to earn rewards in the process.Unlockables for players would be cool. Different animations, quirks, bling, etc…
@virusts_xbl said in I can’t stop…:
When I PR V I retire him. I don't ever use that card. There are exceptions and its only BR. However, I am going to stop that now since I don't need any BR cards anymore. I have I think I have 26 p5 players. If only I could get a full team of RP/CP P5s.
I can make an entire complete team of P5s to include starting/relief/closing pitchers. I enjoy the grind and typically do the same and retire the players once they reach P5. Thing is that the content is dying down and once I P5 this last lineup (still working on P5ing Trout, Turner, Lofton, etc…), I think I am going to start playing with my retired P5s.
Paralleling players… even though I want to play with my Superfractor P5 players.
When do others like me eventually stop and play with your P5s regularly?
@raylewissb47_psn said in Archetype Secondary Positions:
@dap1234567890 said in Archetype Secondary Positions:
@raylewissb47_psn said in Archetype Secondary Positions:
I know I’m a little late on this but I’m going back and sound some of the CAP archetypes to try to gain some extra XP. I am currently working on “The Werth” archetype which has LF as the preferred position but lists every other position as secondary including catcher. My question is if I were to put him at catcher, would he be awful back their dropping pitches and have numerous passed balls each game or would he be somewhat competent?
Set the lineup with the bronze catcher archetype (slick fielding) being activated...
then back out of the lineup and back to the main DD screen...
then go up to the top left where your ballplayer is located, and switch the active archetype to the one desired!
Secondary positions will play much better that way! Also, don't delete the bronze archetype!
I’ll give this a try. Thanks for the help!
Fake news
@mike__honcho_361 said in Archetype Secondary Positions:
@raylewissb47_psn said in Archetype Secondary Positions:
@arvcpa_psn said in Archetype Secondary Positions:
@raylewissb47_psn said in Archetype Secondary Positions:
I know I’m a little late on this but I’m going back and sound some of the CAP archetypes to try to gain some extra XP. I am currently working on “The Werth” archetype which has LF as the preferred position but lists every other position as secondary including catcher. My question is if I were to put him at catcher, would he be awful back their dropping pitches and have numerous passed balls each game or would he be somewhat competent?
I recently put my CAP at 1B (secondary) to complete "putout" stats. Let's just say that he caught SOME of the throws.
That was my concern. I wanted to put him at catcher for the putouts but I don’t want to put a Mr. Magoo back there.
Before you go into a Ranked game, go into your Ballplayer page and activate the archetype that has C as primary(can’t remember which one off the top of my head.) You don’t need to have done anything with that archetype or have any equipment, etc.
Now enter into a game and when the screen comes up asking you which loadout to use, use the one that you have all complete with your perks/equipment etc. and your Ballplayer will have all your attributes and play catcher as if it were his primary position.
The only thing is you have to go and activate the primary catcher before every game you play so don’t forget.
I didn’t think any of the diamond archetypes have Catcher as the primary position. If there is I don’t know of it.
NMS in the vegan world stands for “Non-meat sandwich”
Thatnis like trying to convince Madden developers to not increase the gameplay speed on higher difficulties. My opinion All-Madden is equivalent to Legend in which both aren’t realistic but for die hard players.
Lost me at LB… probably another Xbox big issue I’m guessing?
Barry Larkin… he rips!
@redd666ish_psn said in The bore your opponent cheese?:
I do this if I get a bunt dancer / R2 holder opponent. I usually like to pitch quickly and in the zone but if the dude I’m playing wants to be annoying and check my pitch’s every time I’m going to give him all the time I have to do his thing.also if my opponent replays a home run we are watching every home run for the rest of the game wether they hit it or I do
Found one! Someone does something cheesy so I’ll do something cheesy back for the rest of the game. So you admit to playing like a 12 year old like the rest of these idiots? Ahh yes… the inevitable two wrongs make a right stance! Classic!
Just to be frank… head to head on this game is terrible in every aspect. The gameplay completely changes and is no longer realistic and is very laggy and timing is ruined. Offline and online seems like playing two completely different games. Something is off and is the reason why I don’t play online with this game.
So you’re saying there’s a chance….
Any more cards/players released?
Milestone Larkin
Auction House Is Kind Of A Scam IMO
Will tech test items from diamond dynasty transfer to full game?
Just played an event game and Wow
Intentionally going down 1-2 runs early as a winning strategy. Viable?
Online competitive co-op
My issue with paralleling cards
I can’t stop…
I can’t stop…
I can’t stop…
Archetype Secondary Positions
Archetype Secondary Positions
NMS/No Money Spent
Universal pitch speeds
LB (advance all)
The bore your opponent cheese?
First Game in a Few Weeks…
Trout buy order