The set idea has failed. It has just allowed SDS to be extremely lazy with the Affinity and program players. Another Joe Mauer and Pudge Rodriguez..... another Jorge Solar, Mike. Messina, Jim. Palmer, Jim Rice, and Randy Arozarena... another Eric Gage, another Bryce Harper, another Rob Dibble. Etc.... etc.... So many players that had great careers or are still playing and have good careers and yet.... the same players over and over.... can't wait for 2k to drop. The Show has been a let down

@txbizman_PSN said in How is a guy batting .251 a high diamond?:
Compare the hitting stats of Mookie (.251) to Yordan and tell me this game isn't about bias? Funny, when Verlander had a low ERA with the Astros, he was always an 85/86. Now, his highest ERA in years with the Mets and he's still a high diamond.
Bro.... I have been complaining about this for awhile. It's like some big named players who struggle get favoritism toward their overall such as Verlander, Byron Buxton, etc. Yet players like Marcus Stroman, D.J. Lemahieu and Luis Arraez will get dropped as soon as they aren't performing at a MVP, Triple Crown or Cy Young level. I mean Cody Belllinger stayed a silver for 2 seasons of awful hitting and finally puts together some solid hitting and instantly hits diamond along with a great program release. Josh Bell one the silver slugger last year, started off a gold and struggled a little early and was a bronze in an update. Now he's batting well over .300 since he's been a Marlin and.... oh, he's still a Bronze.... funny how that works.
How does San Diego Studios come up with overall for players? Because their formula is pretty awful if they have one at all... I understand Joey Meneses has strictly been a DH so his WAR is low for strictly that reason. He hasn't hit for as much power as some expected but he is a 73 overall.... 36th highest batting average in baseball.... He has the 6th highest BA with RISP in the league. He has more Home Runs (11) and RBIs (63) than Bryce Harper HR (8) RBIs (38). I understand Harper has been injured some of the season, but Harper is sitting at an 83 overall... I mean Alex Call is a higher overall than Joey Meneses and Joey has the same amount of RBIs as Alex Call has hits.... like what is the formula???? MAX MUNCY IS BATTING .195 AND IS A HIGHER OVERALL THAN JOEY MENESES!!!! HOW?!?!?!?!?!?! MUNCY IS AN AWFUL FIELDER!!! SO WHAT MAKES MAX MUNCY 5 OVERALL POINTS HIGHER THAN JOEY?!?!?! There are so many more players I could easily point out that are having seasons that justify better overalls and countless players who are giving overalls that are higher than the level they have been performing at.... I know to some extent, it's overlooked but it does matter when playing some events and playing Battle Royale. It also matters when you are a fan of a player or a team that you see consistently perform well and then overall updates hit and you see players like Carlos Rodon (83) and Aaron Nola (81) maintaining gold status and yet Josiah Gray (72) has outperformed both of them by miles and yet.... he is still a bronze.... and things like that is why I'm asking what the formula is on their overall adjustments... because to me, it seems like there isn't any and it also seems like someone who doesn't follow baseball is making the adjustments...
I'm all for being able to create a stadium and play on it but keep it out of Rank. There should be only real stadiums in rank and to be honest, I think it should only be MLB stadiums. If Polo Grounds wasn't bad enough, now we have fields that are little league size at some parts and created to have the ball travel further than it does at Laughing Mountain. I literally just played a guy who's field was so fake that I hit a 420 foot home run with Dee Strange-Gordon (86 overall). Which was just one of the 9 home runs hit within the first few innings between the 2 of us. It gives a game that is suppose to resemble Major League Baseball a really fake feel to it. And I don't mean a good Backyard Baseball for the PC feel, I mean a very bad mobile phone "tap the screen to swing now" feel. If you wanna play on a field that makes you feel like you can crush the ball, then play on it somewhere else. The game is limiting the players that we can use season to season, and they have killed the auction with so many non sellable cards. Its like they are purposesly taking the enjoyment out of the game. The Show definitely regressed this year. I still play it but the enjoyment from playing DD is not the same... End Rant.
Disappointing Affinity with a lazy game
How is a guy batting .251 a high diamond?
Player Overalls....
Custom Stadiums are making The Show unplayable.