Well I am one of the lucky ones that have had this happen to me. I’ve been lurking the thread here but I felt like it was time to start discussing it with y’all. I’ve sent out a tweet about what is going that has been RT by a couple of YTs and been seen by over 20k people. I’m trying to get the word out and give us a voice.
@feegore_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
I’m just shocked they haven’t disabled the feature yet on the site. Or just have it to ‘fail out’ if you attempt. Why have more people fall prey to it? As much as misery loves company, I don’t wish this on ANYONE else.
Exactly! I’ve reached over 20k people on twitter to try and raise awareness for this issue and hopefully stop someone from trying to link their [censored] accounts as advertised and then be stuck without anything.
@cleavahcleav_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@mrsirgoofalot_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
Well I am one of the lucky ones that have had this happen to me. I’ve been lurking the thread here but I felt like it was time to start discussing it with y’all. I’ve sent out a tweet about what is going that has been RT by a couple of YTs and been seen by over 20k people. I’m trying to get the word out and give us a voice.
What’s your Twitter handle I will retweet and tag more people
So when those of you who got your stuff back logged on your console it was all just there?
@tblair504_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@mrsirgoofalot_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@tblair504_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@mrsirgoofalot_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@tblair504_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
So here’s what happened lol……when you linked both your psn and Xbox log in to the mlbts site…..you’re Xbox profile took over…..and made the psn sideline. So now I’ve spent 200 dollars on the Xbox version standard game pass version, while my Jackie Robinson edition psn version has just my preorder stuff and none of my actual progression that I made on now what I found out is the Xbox profile. Is their a proper way to combine all my preorder content and the Xbox content together for universal progression without losing anything @Victor_SDS_PSN
Did you relink your accounts to your MLBTS account or when you logged on to the Xbox and PlayStation all of your stuff was there?
No still just the Xbox progress once I relinked both accounts. I want all my stuff to combine so I can have my preorder and Jackie Robinson edition content with the $200 spent on Xbox profile unknowingly to be merged together for actual cross progression.
But you were able to relink them? Others have said they tried to relink and it won’t let them. My PSN and XBL accounts are still linked together but my MLB account isn’t linked to anything
All three are linked and connected. Now my issue is a content thing. I either need SDS to verify that I’ve made progress and purchases on the Xbox profile and give me all of those cards on my ps5 profile since I purchased the JR edition or properly merge both
So when you relinked did you do it via code on the console or did you go to the website and sign in with your show account while you were logged in with either your PSN or CBL account?
@feegore_psn said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@mrsirgoofalot_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@bapasbizza_psn said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
My MLB account has been reset and is not linked to anything, I go to link my PS5 account and it errors and says something about platform "Exclusivity."
My MLB account has my stubs and progress but I can't link it to my PS5 so I can get everything back, This blows...I’m getting that same [censored] error too. I’m going to try and see if I can link a secondary PlayStation account
Be careful, based on how everything else has worked, there’s no telling what will happen
It’s like they fixed some but not all. It’s getting ridiculous
@delthafunkee_psn said in Support ticket response time:
Does anybody have any idea what the response time is on a support ticket right now? I have pending ticket submitted on 4/20 in which I got the canned response and then a live response a few hours later simply saying it was forwarded to the team... and nothing since then. I replied once more a couple days ago asking for a status update and I have heard nothing. This is ridiculous, at minimum if they are this far behind in dealing with support tickets most legit companies would at least follow up within a reasonable window and say they are still working on it, just to let you know your claim hasn't be lost in the ether... but I haven't heard jack for over 9 days now and it is making me nervous. I love this game... but if they essentially steal $99 from me without me getting anything in return I am going to have a serious dilemma and can't bring myself to support something that does not offer customer support with their screw ups.
I could try doing a refund request through PSN store, but I get the feeling they're just going to refer me right on back to the devs here and I will remain in the dark for who knows how long.
I tried to get a refund from PSN and they told me their system wouldn’t allow them to give me a refund because SDS are the only ones that can do refunds for this title. I finally got a response from support yesterday after submitting 9 of them and I told them I was starting to lose my patience. I get home today and fire up the game and my content was back! Hopefully your issue gets resolved soon.
@jlafont1_psn said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
@mrsirgoofalot_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
So I just logged into my psn account on theshow. Com and ALL OF MY STUFF IS BACK
Did you do anything? Or was it just there.
Support finally got back with me. The guy said he passed it along and they were investigating the issue. Then today on my way home from work I logged into my PSN account on the show website and all of my stuff was there. Fired up the game when i got home and now I’m playing with my team again.
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Support ticket response time
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress