Happy to report the counter resets mid game now. Like the repeatable 15 RBIs, used to quit game sometimes if only needed 1 or 2 so could go again. And asked on here wish game was smart enough to reset and wow thank you SDS. Just went into game needing only one rbi and something told me keep playing and scored 20 plus runs and got credited for two 15/15 RBI XP

That new Lindor at 2B action figure Braun 1B helps 30/30 boost paired with Trout Mays or Larry Walker Hall of Fame, Mullins in OF Lightning Mookie 99 JRam or Witt at 3B and 99 Ohtani DH. Like to pair Mullins with lefty Kershaw boost tier 2 and his card double boosted and helps Mauer at Catcher also
Excited to see Harper C on young guns Kershaw boost team. Will be double boosted and upgrade over Bench in hitting vs righties. Also Trout two way a valuable card and should be able to bring off pitching rotation bench and put in games for pinch running etc. like can do with Ohtani and Ruth
It’s cool how Banks, Doby, Minoso are double boosted with these
Yeah was pulling for him to win for new card to go with Devers Joe Kelly captain combo. Not sure if fielding will be under 75 but at least single boosted and Ohtani DH card eventually too will get double boost to go with Freeman Piazza
Congrats! Hit two with original Gorman card with buxton boost last season and haven’t got any more since
@chuktheworld_PSN think Rap Dixon might fit that
@nymets1987_PSN well very thankful because used first wildcard slot for Kershaw lefty boost combined with Devers and gave lower cards power and clutch for TA goals. Now trying Buxstillo combo with Buxton and Castillo that double boosts Trout Judge Henderson
Should have option to buy stars with stubs to complete some of these. Had to take break for mental and physical health my thumbs are numb from hitting over and over yesterday and huge letdown thinking pitching all that’s left would be easy. The Vida Blue 5ks or 6ks 3 innings no hits keeps gettin me and don’t know how will get Scherzer 5ks two innings. Let down cause really want that card especially his live card weakened
@dbub_PSN did that too thought had 5 for a second lol, happy to get four from the start for sure
Really liking the versatility of Peña boost can make team of all switch hitters with speed. Marte can play first base OOP and combined with verlander boost can play Posada at C or if want speed at every position the OOP Gibson C is double boosted switch catcher with 99 arm
@MrNintendo_MLBTS 8-8-8-12 for tier 3 or at least equal to the dodgers. Fear the Sox! lol
Just wish they would adjust Buchholz Red Sox boost. Should be 3-3-3-5 tier 1. 5-5-5-8 tier 2, 8-8-8-10 tier 3. Have Yankees tier 3 with Boston tier 1 and Ted Williams, Duran, Houck, Buchholz, Joe Kelly and that boost is insulting.
Season 3 - Team Affinity Conquest & Mini Seasons Changes
Live series God squad
This season thing is just insufferable
Blizzard Captain Drop 2
Dodger Teoscar!!!
finally broke 500 feet
Catcher for speed team
wild card slots
Anyone else have all 4 Wild Card spots unlocked?
Best S4 Captain Boosts
Dropped frames, Manny Ramirez
Dropped frames, Manny Ramirez