I wish that his load and leg kick were accurate too. Guy's swing was a thing of beauty!
I use classic base running and hit L2 once, then once the pitcher begins his wind-up I hit L1 (I sometimes take an additional lead too, but not always)...this seems to prevent the slow start you can sometimes get otherwise.
I also find that after hitting L2 to steal, if I hold R1 I almost never get picked off...just remember to release R1 before hitting L1 like stated above...otherwise your runner will turn back to the bag he came from mid-way down the baseline.
I use classic baserunning...and rather than hitting or holding L2 and then releasing and letting the CPU get my jump for me I do this:
Press L2, immediately followed by holding R1 to active runner diving back on a pickoff. Then, when (while still holding R1) tap L1 to increase my lead. As soon as the pitcher begins home, either spam L1 or tap L1 repeatedly and you runner will advance (be sure to let go of R1, or your runner will turn back to the base you came from and get cut down).
I get thrown out very infrequently with good base stealers.
If you’re going to have David Justice as a boss…
Stolen Bases this year???
Speedy Players with Bad Jumps