@NR7LES_XBL said in This Game is Dying:
On PlayStation charts -- MLB has not been a top 40 played game in multiple consecutive weeks. To put it in perspective, games like Sniper Elite 5 are listed as top 40...
On Xbox charts -- MLB the Show 23 currently sits at 27 this past week and has been falling, but much of that is due to the fact that the game is free with Gamepass on Xbox so numbers will be inflated. This inflation is doubled down with a chart representing current player base -- MLB the Show 23 was the only game on this list of 100 to have the highest differentiation of hours played to player count ratio. This means that the small number of people who are still playing are logging long hours.
The. Game. Is. Dying. We all know those two or three people that used to play it that don't anymore. Why? Because everyone is a 99, they force you to grind your life away, buying packs from the store is the most boring experience in any ultimate team style gamemode of any sports video game (I mean who from SDS thought it was a good idea to only allow you to pull CORE players in packs... what a snooze fest), and the game is filled with simply too much RNG that most of us in here chalk up to "baseball".
When will the community actually hold the development team accountable? It's riddled with server issues, glitches, bugs, exploits. Since release, there hasn't been a single meaningful gameplay update AT ALL. It's been like this for years now and players are picking up on it. The ones who stay are complacent. We use excuses like "it's the only option, what other baseball game would we play". When people suggest posts like this, they get targeted with phrases like "must of lost today" instead of having an open HONEST dialogue with constructive criticism on how we can provide ways to improve the game through the power of the players.
If not, enjoy making your snobby comments towards people who post in here that are passionate about playing the game at a high level. We're leaving... The game that is your "only option" will continue to bleed out of a player base until it looses enough money year over year to where that option is no longer available. The only ones left behind will be players who don't care for competitive online play, or offline players. I wish I was wrong.
About time and refreshing to see a post with some thought and reality put into it. Yes, the game is falling, and come Madden release, it with will be the dagger.
Thank you for explaining your arguments and giving strong VALID points to support it. 90 % of the fanbase that read this post wont get it. The game is dead. point blank period.