The problem is they cant balance the elevation and stadiums for [censored]. You play in an MLB park the last few years and the game lags and the ball dies. The only stadiums that constantly rewarded good contact were stupid ones like Shield Woods. Theyre slowly driving the community away though so it shouldnt matter for much longer anyway

No. [censored] you.
Because you can be very early and swing at a pitch that bounces in the dirty and still foul it off. Couple that with the fact that almost nothing on the corners is called a strike and you are left this mess we have now.
Also non meta pitches are still way too hittable against most people at higher levels. Honestly this game needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. The fact that were in like year 3 of just giving everyone sinkers because without it the cards arent useful should be way more alarming to everyone.
Its atrocious, but as weve clearly learned over the last few days, they play test nothing and dont really care.
The most incompetent dev team strikes again!
I truly hope NCAA football is good and this game just dies. Im so sick of buying it because of my love for baseball but watching these lazy devs leave broken [censored] in the game year after year because anytime they try and fix anything, they just break 20 other things. This release is [censored] embarrassing.
Because if I said it nicely they would run to their computers and fix it right? Be less concerned about the scary words and more concerned about how inept these devs are that they continue to program the same broken [censored] into the game year after year.
Same [censored] as last year but you clowns program it right back into the game. Did all the development money go towards Ramon's vacation to meet vladdy instead of a programmer with a brain?
Dont worry, Ill just keep facing full stamina Babe Ruth game after game of BR because youre a bunch of lazy hacks.
Changing the UI makes the game look different even tho its 99% of it is copy/paste, try to trick people into thinking they changed things.
Not getting any XP from games today. Havent played since update and it seems the consensus is that is impacting HOF/Legend games and people not getting XP.
@Tylerslikewhoa_XBL said in How are freeze offs still a thing?:
Remember having a freeze off takes two.
No it takes 3, and only one of them is incompetent and cant figure out how to fix it.
Oh look, next game also a freeze off. Anytime my buddy and I play co-op games on our ps5s against people on last gen systems the game runs terribly and usually ends up with a freeze off. Fix this [censored].
Could you imagine if Madden or Call of Duty had these kind of massive issues year after year and never addressed them? Its pretty embarrassing. The fact that I have to sit here for god knows how long to make sure I dont get a loss in a game Im winning is absolutely wild.
@macdaddy-o_PSN said in I HATE the new abbreviated counts in Events!!!! WHY has this been added?!:
I guess I've never played in an event like this before, and wasn't aware they do this on occasion every season. But I didn't see any mention of it in the Rules section of the event. Sorry if I overreacted to a common occurrence. That said, still not a fan.
Literally the second rule on the event homepage says quick counts enabled...
That said, quick counts sucks [censored].3 inning games are already quick enough, I dont need added RNG to make it even faster, especially when it always screws one person. One guy gets a bunch of 3-1 counts in the top of the third and then the guy losing in the bottom of the 3rd gets 1-2 counts.
Their next bs "fix" will be restarting again and telling us that even if you hadnt actually played that mini seasons, it was still loaded and ready to go of sorts and needed to be restarted again. Has anyone had an issue where you needed to restart 2-3 times?
@wizardboss123 said in Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster":
@CBrev47_MLBTS said in Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster":
After today’s update, we’ve seen reports of an error message stating “Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster” when trying to play a game in Mini-Seasons.
While we were able to correct this error for new seasons, we were unable to do so for seasons that were already in progress.
This means that if you started a season before today’s update, and are receiving this error message when trying to play, you will need to restart your season.
We understand your frustration and apologize for the inconvenience.
This makes me mad, I was on my final 2 games of the regular season about to make it into the playoffs and now I have to restart my entire thing. As much as I love this game, it’s starting to [censored] me off because I grind the entire mini season and can’t even get my reward.
Don't restart, it does nothing, the issue stills happens. It is a blatant lie and instead of owning up to it and telling people it doesnt work they are just remaining silent
23 games into team affinity mini season and here it is. 1st game in a classic mini season. But you guys "fixed" it by just telling us that were sh*t out of luck and to reset your season. Awesome solution. Doesnt seem very fixed.
For me, I constantly have to close the game and re-open it because once I get to the pick difficulty and then start game screen, it doesnt let me start the game. Its pretty infuriating.
Stop [censored] charging people for early access if you cant get your servers to work for the first month every god [censored] year. The literal same exact issue year after year after year. Then you wonder why people sound ungrateful on streams and [censored].
I remember Madden back in the day let you keep playing against the AI in ranked games if you wanted to after the person quit. I was petty and bored enough that if you quit I would absolutely light the CPU up so that person would have like a 70-3 loss on their record.
@lord-sethos_xbl said in Dev interaction is terrible:
Or they could be too busy hard at work trying to fix the many bugs in the game. Some people are still working from home too. Have a little patience young grasshopper.
I love responses like this, as if the dude that runs all their twitter accounts and [censored] are the programmers and devs. Doesnt take much to send out a tweet or pin a post here thats like hey were working on this or that and it could be a few days, sorry and thanks for your patience. Thats all people want, a little [censored] communication to the people that keep them employed. But nope, nothing because people like you will constantly defend them, they could [censored] on your leg but as long as they told you it was raining youd be happy.
Fix High Elevation Stadiums!!
Calm down
Pitching online
Who had the bright idea to make the Cairo stadium’s batter’s eye?
Team full of 99s. devs?
Fix the [censored] Two way exploit
Fix the [censored] Two way exploit
I’m Blind!
Double XP Weekend, but not getting any XP
How are freeze offs still a thing?
How are freeze offs still a thing?
How are freeze offs still a thing?
I HATE the new abbreviated counts in Events!!!! WHY has this been added?!
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
Mini Seasons
Unhandled server exception
Dev interaction is terrible