I agree, the changes to the offline missions is terrible.

Offline player here too. I feel like I am constantly waiting for more content to drop to be able to do anything now. There is just no way for offline players to earn stubs either. You have to get lucky hitting a diamond because there is no way to make money off of the reward path like past years. Love the game but they took away the drive to play more and keep me engaged.
What conquest maps? That would mean content drops.
Offline players have no way to make stubs this year. Not one free card is sellable. Monthly and Topps now was a good way to grind and get rewarded. What a joke.
It wasn’t easy for me but I did complete it. Definitely not a great way to show off a captain card that they want us to use so bad. Should have had a lefty starter on the moment.
I think the took us for suckers. Just put Trout and Ohtani in the program and everything will be fine.
But now we won’t see anything again until TA chapter 3
Hope Skenes isn’t behind a pack again
The program is only 75 points
I haven’t bought any but 60k flash sale packs is kind of crazy. Especially when they are Set 1
Yes just make sure the Captain isn’t on any of your teams
Nothing to earn just packs to buy again.
I have a feeling that the CPU pitching issues are related to the experience cap. By slowing the game down, you encounter the experience cap much slower and have less people complaining about it. I can’t help but feel the pitching issues could be corrected fairly quickly yet they aren’t
They aren’t even hyping it. 20 min until release and no teases yet. Not even Headliner 6 tease. What is going on this year.
The content drops are just new packs
I guess besides xp being capped my biggest disappointment this year as an offline player is everything we can earn is no sell. There is no way to get a card you don’t like and sell it to buy a card from a pack or an online program. The only thing to do is grind 9 games of a TA mini season to get 30 packs and hope you hit something. That makes the game not very fun.
All part of the SDS plan this year. Give the community a card that will help drive up sales of certain cards in packs and programs so people will spend more money on stubs to create meta teams.
I think people were initially having issues selling the first flash sale of the rare round pack
Why SDS hates offline players?
What are we even supposed to grind offline now?
Weekly Wonders
Holy content
Which All Star cards are you looking forward to using?
New All Star program- no new cards Big L
Flash sale scumbags
Can you add cornerstone captain to S1 collection an still exchange him ?
Seoul program scratched?
The broken CPU pitching is making me already bored of the game
Season Awards Drop 1
T-Minus 30 minutes
What am I playing for this year?
Sick of buxton
Price Drop on Live Series cards