I am here to agree with this comment. I liked Team affinity and sort of tired of hitting homerun moments to earn most of anything. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
I,too, just walk the first batter to quickly get to stretch as some of the older generation players have the slooooooooooooooooooowest windups. I got stuff to do.
Lopez was a mess to get by. Ended up scoring on an infield hit while the computer turned 2 with 4 outs remaining. Shohei gave me a headache right after as well but then knocked out McCellehan in 2 batters! It jumps from Rooke to Veteran (which is not a huge jump) and it messes with the timing a little bit.
I just dont love the shift. Was the shift around his era that we have to hit in it with him?
Please Bring Back Team Affinity
Please add 'stretch' pitching option in settings
0-6 against Jorge Lopez in Showdown
Fix Griffey