Playing showdown I just got a “Perfect Perfect “ Flyball with Justin Upton (83 PWR v. Right) and the ball did not go out. I thought I heard them say on stream that anyone with over 80 PWR who hit a “Perfect Perfect” was guaranteed a homer? Am I wrong here?

So are the division’s showdown’s repeatable? Like can I grind those to get the Team Affinity exchange vouchers multiple times? That would be a sick way to get those Face of the Franchise cards.
Just to clarify even more, Cal Ripken might have a SS, Prime, and MVP Card, (all of which would be 99) but the SS would have a 3B secondary while the MVP or Prime may not.
I am curious if anyone can help me understand. Last year, the pinnacle of each player was a Signature Series Card and so many players got the SS card. With the addition of Prime and Award Winners, are these going to replace SS as the "maxed out" version of a player, or are they going to be complimentary cards. Players might have different secondary positions, statistics, etc. for these differences in cards so I think it could be reasonable to have all of them, but I feel it was not made clear in the Stream
Perfect Perfect Confusion
Division Showdown Question
Cards similar to Signature Series in MLB 20
Cards similar to Signature Series in MLB 20