Is it safe to play MTO when servers are down?

-Rip open preorders
-Regret pre-ordering after pulling 2 golds.
-Selling what I can.
-Create a Ballplayer
-do whatever starter Showdowns there are. -
Glad it let me finish my RS game
You have all year to finish live series..
Certain amount of time for Set 1. -
Do we Actually get any rewards for winning on higher difficulties?
How can we actually check? -
Man I would love to use a Redsox captain, but with Live Series Mookie in my lineup.
Or future star Casas with a boost -
@LIONED-33_XBL said in Live Collection:
I feel like SDS cost themselves some money. So I get it you’ll have people who will buy stubs day 1. Or like me I’d wait until the first stub sale and finish my collection. This year cards are pretty cheap. I’m missing 6 cards 2.5 weeks in to complete the collection. Last year first stub sale I was missing 15. With so many 99’s honestly unless you’re a streamer or just a huge Derek Jeter fan it’s pointless to spend money.
Potentially right..
Or hoping we finish collections first, then we spend real money to get the 99s in the Duo Packs every week
@AlexTheGreater7_XBL said in Live Collection:
@arvcpa_MLBTS said in Live Collection:
I'm taking my time. I locked in the Padres before Tatis comes back. Other than that, just the "cheap" teams... meaning... Pirates.
Hey Reynolds is big money now after getting supercharged...
Lol yupp. I bought him during the 1st series vs the Redsox. Dude went off vs them
@SaveFarris_PSN said in Live Collection:
@louieepthree_PSN said in Live Collection:
Maybe it's only me... but does anyone else ever Not finish the collection as fast as they can, cuz then The Show Packs feel pointless?
Guess that's when Set 2 collection comes in handy huh? Hmm
Last year, I tried to wait as long as I could before starting to buy missing cards to complete the Live Set.
I lasted a week.
Still going strong this year. (Pulling Trout and Judge (twice!) helped). Let's see how much longer I can last.
I've been lucky this year so far..
I've pulled Trout and Ohtani. Haven't locked them in yet.
Finished AL Central to get Mauer (using Wright Capt. For Cover Squad)
Sitting at about 220k stubs too. Soo i can potentially be close to finishing the AL Collection.. -
@lazytoast_MLBTS said in Live Collection:
Chipper, Ruth and Pedro seem better for me so trying to collect those cards instead of live series
Are you locking in every card right away? Or doing the Nonsellables 1st?
@romeischillin said in Live Collection:
@louieepthree_PSN said in Live Collection:
Maybe it's only me... but does anyone else ever Not finish the collection as fast as they can, cuz then The Show Packs feel pointless?
Guess that's when Set 2 collection comes in handy huh? Hmm
Well the Live Collection is "CORE" so there's that... as far as packs go I just look at those as away to fill up your inventory cheaper with the opportunity to land a big fish although the odds aren't necessarily in your favor but for the people that pull someone like Judge out of those packs they are well worthy it and make it easier to complete these collections... I think the biggest benefit of the pack is just the nostalgia of opening a real life physical pack of cards, you never know what players/cards are inside until you open the pack.
I get that. But once you've finished the Live Collection... you're just pulling to sell for stubs. Soo I'm saying is... Im not here burning thru my stubs to finish the Collection in the 1st few weeks. Cuz the chase is fun... but once it's done. I'm like.. oh. Cool.
@GoTitans3_XBL said in Live Collection:
The cards are pretty meh this year too. I’ve played too much almost out of things to do tho. Don’t like br and events so once I complete lefty loosey I am done unless I want to try to grind up to World Series but I prefer to be pretty casual.
For Ranked, I went like 10-10. Struggling for wins lol and got the WS Pack thru the inning program stuff. But the cards felt meh for me. I just sold it right away.
I've probably played like 2 more Ranked games after that. -
Maybe it's only me... but does anyone else ever Not finish the collection as fast as they can, cuz then The Show Packs feel pointless?
Guess that's when Set 2 collection comes in handy huh? Hmm
Lol Game 25 and I have to restart the season?
Can't yall just add a Sim or skip games for things like this?
Bruh... -
@darkblue1876_PSN said in 99, 99 ,99 why?:
@raesONE-_PSN said in 99, 99 ,99 why?:
Little did they know that this change would actually make the game even more stale and boring.
I am not so sure. They probably knew it would be stale and boring, but maybe people would spend real world cash on microtransactions.
Maybe I'm In the minority, but I don't want to spend money on cards I won't be able to use sooner than later lol
I see it now lmaaooo -
If you look at Jrods card... what's that dark spot behind the 87 ?
@kaptinkrunch00 said in I need real comp:
this looks like one of those messages that pop up on fake websites about hot moms in your area trying to message you
Those are fake!?!
@oreorockstar_psn said in Well, finally gave mini-season a try…:
@go4stros25_psn said in Well, finally gave mini-season a try…:
Hahaha well written post.
Sorry that's happening. I haven't had any issues with mini seasons. I'm on ps5
I’m on PS 5 and it’s been a non stop issue. Can’t figure out the rhyme or reason
Ps5 here ..
I just finished the season and post season with 0 issues. Played about 9 regular season games tonight and went 3-0 in both playoff series. All my wins and stats counted..Sucks most are having issues
Yes.. get both
Server Connectivity Issues 03/15
What is the first 5 things you will do when the game drops?
An unhandled server exception occurred
Sell me on Set 1 and not Live Series Collection
Play vs CPU rewards
Will the update to Captains cause you use them more?
Live Collection
Live Collection
Live Collection
Live Collection
Live Collection
Live Collection
Live Collection
Update - Mini-Seasons Error - "Your Opponent Has An Invalid Roster"
99, 99 ,99 why?
Random question: Jrod card art
Random question: Jrod card art
I need real comp
Well, finally gave mini-season a try…
Jazz Chisholm or Francisco Lindor FOTF?