on me in BR and have one of the mission guys come up...im intentionally walking him. yep i said it lol. Seriously the bunt dancers are the worst.

dont forget one of my favorites, the multiple behind the back stabs by the pitchers or the behind the back tosses by the infielders that in real life you see 1 time every 2-3 seasons...not 3 times a game
if you put your address up I can send you a box of tampons....seems you might need them.
yeah, Ramone and SDS got their money, but the game is hot garbage. Can't play RTTS cause its sketchy at best, can't play franchise, as the rosters aren't even up to date, can't play online as the servers stay up for 16 mins at a time. But hey...you can build a stadium!
@collin_sds_psn said in Any tech people on here?:
No need for speculation. The team is working hard on the connectivity issues.
But can't communicate, which tells me 1 of 2 things, either your full of [censored], because you dont know whats going on, or 2 SDS doesnt care what the gaming community thinks. So they say nothing.
you'll get nothing and like it....not being mean i just watched caddy shack. But that's exactly what you'll get, i finally got a reply to an email i sent to MLB Show Support on Friday and they told me that i need to speak to Best Buy or Xbox about the Jackie Robinson issues. They have your money, Ramone and the peeps at SDS do this every year, put out a 3/4 ready game, and just expect us to deal with it, and we do because there is no other MLB game out there. That's why they went to Xbox, not because they wanted too, but because they had too. EA was about to come back into it if they didn't. I'd love to tell you they'll make it right, but they wont. So all we can do is [censored] and moan and take it right up the tail pipe...yes that's a Liar Liar reference
97 Dustin Pedroia 2008 MVP Card
96 Bo Jackson 1989 Breakout
99 Barry Bonds 73 Home Runs (Yeah it wont happen but it'd be awesome) -
@therainmaker29_xbl said in SDS eliminate showdown please:
@lord-oimak_xbl said in SDS eliminate showdown please:
@therainmaker29_xbl said in SDS eliminate showdown please:
This mode is pure [censored]. Please eliminate this from the game.
So tired of wasting an hour for you to rig the final boss challenge anyways.
3x drag bunts attempted with the legend bunt cheese perk. All fail. Either too far, popped up in the air, or the pitcher snags it.
3x base hits immediately followed by double play balls. Two rockets snagged going down the first base line.
Multiple good good power swings ran down in the gap, caught at the wall, or routine fly outs.
The list goes on and on with this garbage mode. An hour to lose by one run like always.
Just eliminate this mode and the garbage sliders that come along with it.
I thought you were quitting 2 weeks ago?
This game is garbage overall. Don’t pretend it’s not.
Thats not my point. You come on here crying daily and tell us all how you're going to quit because you can't win. But yet here you are the next day telling us again how you cant win and the game is garbage. Does the game have flaws sure does....but maybe the problem isn't the game and you just suck?
@ogbuttamilk_mlbts said in This is why this game sucks:
31 AB 5 H 1 R
Put the ball in play 31 times and this is the result
T-Minus 7 1/2 hours from Madden thankfully
so...you suck....and its the games fault. I bet you get beat in Madden and complain its the games fault too...
@twisted-_-tea-_psn said in Lame content drop:
Lighting card is by far the worst one of the year, there’s a few cool POTM cards but other than that pretty lame. The lightning card is supposed to be you know, good. Event looks lame with rewards that will just go towards the next big collection rather than using them in ranked. Headliner is minoso..enough said. What I’m really disappointed in is that there’s no collection for the 5 lighting cards to get a past lighting card like last years castellanos. Maybe they’ll do it after September but they didn’t do that last year I don’t think. I really like Devin Williams card and Robert/renfroe are cool cards but this drop was really boring in my worthless opinion. Probably gonna be let down quite a bit more Friday with the way TA4 has looked
you're a douche. go cry elsewhere
@go4stros25_psn said in Any madden fans came back yet?:
@washednd_psn said in Any madden fans came back yet?:
I’m not a big madden fan but I gave it a shot. It sucks I’m back. Anyone saying they like madden I really think is lying to themselves. It’s in a terrible place
Children like madden. Because to then they don't remember how good football games once were. I haven't bought madden since 19 and don't plan toa
a group of my friends did online franchises for the past 4 years....this one we just got through week 6 and called it til its fixed if at all. it is absolutely awful. Anyone who complains about SDS there are problems, however go play madden you'll be back with bells on.
@dsa20_xbl said in Jackie Robinson Deluxe Edition Redeem Code Xbox:
We should think about retaining a lawyer and make a class action suit. This $99.99 they are not living up to. Suppose to be $40 more content but we have been getting nothing.
even after they provide us with it, its still bait and switch at the end of the day. pretty open and shut case.
@yankeefan412_xbl said in Does hitting feel nerfed lately to anyone else?:
The last week or so it just feels like I’m hitting a wiffle ball more times than not. Same thing for my opponents it seems…There have been many times where I hang a cutter & say to myself that one’s gone - But nope, Just a pop out to right. Balls that have been no doubters until lately suddenly aren’t going deep at all. I’ve noticed the scores are alot lower lately as well. Maybe it’s just coincidence but it sure doesn’t feel like it.
Yes. I posted something about this last night. I was playing a showdown, and I won. It took me longer than usual. I had 6-7 perfect swings that were just cans of corn to the Outfield. I’m not saying all perfect swings should be hits but at least a line drive or hard hit to someone a 300 ft fly out isn’t the answer
@chow88_psn said in Respect to those who got 12-0 BR:
Just went on a crazy run to get 11-0, was winning my game 12, and lost in the last inning with 2 outs... That's the hardest thing to do in DD, going 12-0.. Ended up losing the next game for good measure...
Thats awesome, i'm really good at going 0-2
@raesone_psn said in Number of questions about DD mechanics:
@lord-oimak_xbl said in Number of questions about DD mechanics:
Great post, but SDS doesn't care, by you posting this means they have your money. Caring stops there.
You could be right, I sometimes feel this way too. But this would be a great opportunity for them to prove us wrong.
And I’m not trying to be a [censored]. I’ve just seen it way too much. I submitted a ticket in may and haven’t heard a peep from them. They don’t care period
My favorite thing is when the runner goes from 1st to third and just keeps on going to get tagged out at home. Or my personal favorite a good swing with center PCI is a can of corn. Next inning he hits a no doubter he’s very early and the ball is a full centimeter above his PCI placement. Don’t get me wrong I love the game. But some of these things shouldn’t be issues
playing a ranked season, he was throwing deGrom and I was throwing Cabrera...now mind you my rating is 550. I'm average at best but before this year I only played franchise and RTTS. this is my first year of DD. So getting to 550 is awesome, i completed 50 wins in Events now my record was 50-43, but hey I did it. His ranking was 575 or something. So 4th inning 0-0 I have 4 hits he has 2, he requests friendly quit. I decline, he then pauses messages me to resend the friendly quit cause neither of us is hitting. I ignore and continue on, 7th inning I get a solo off deGromm, he gets a 2 run HR off Cabrera, go to the 9th first pitch of the top of the 9th I tie it, first pitch bottom of the 9th he wins it lol. It was a fun game, bottom line i don't get better by quitting. of course he sends me a message about what karma it is that I didnt accept the friendly quit. I explained i dont get better by quitting, and losing happens its not the end of the world, he then told me to stay mad....really? is this how it is?
Bo Jackson
this is a joke right? Pudge with power of 20 and contact of maybe 75 (rookie Numbers)....thanks SDS
if you bunt dance
My 3 favorite things about this game!!!
Did I seriously waste $70!?
I’m done SDS.
Any tech people on here?
Because I don't care about diamond Dynasty and waiting
SDS calls you get to make 3 cards....what are they?
SDS eliminate showdown please
This is why this game sucks
Lame content drop
Any madden fans came back yet?
Jackie Robinson Deluxe Edition Redeem Code Xbox
Does hitting feel nerfed lately to anyone else?
Respect to those who got 12-0 BR
Number of questions about DD mechanics
SDS Messed Around and Broke Their Game
friendly quit
Today’s daily moment