I've had plenty of perfect-perfect flyouts. I actually think roughly 35% of my perfect-perfect go for outs in form of liner or grounder
So as someone who has played over 100 games of h2h and diamond dynasty, I can honestly say DD has the better overall players. DD is simply more fun as you get to build your team, and there is so much content that keeps you grinding for new cards and through new events. The sheer amount of content keeps people invested in it rather than simply popping in and out of h2h matches. Just the numbers means the potential for having a larger pool of good players would be increased.
I will say, hitting on HOF with normal teams is WAY harder than in DD. You actually have to hit on HOF or Legend in DD to prevent a shippett derby. I do remember YFK losing to Lucas giolito when he was forced to use a normal team rather than his DD team. So it isn't as simply DD better th.an H2H. Both would have to adjust. DD player would have have to adjust to incredibly smaller PCI, H2H player would have to adjust to constant 90-99 pitching from starter to closer
I had one going into the 8th inning on a guy. Had struck him out 16 times to this point . He then lays down a bunt with garret Anderson, perfectly down the line on a sinker in the dirt. Against the shift. His only hit as i struck out the next 4 batters. Still, was super pissed, cause I wanted the no-no and was up 6-0. Crazier that dude stayed in game that long
I've robbed about 5 home runs. Actually not that hard although it's kinda weird cause occasionally you have to slow walk to the spot
First one I agree is a normal play. Second one is glitch. This isn't about crying over not fielding every ball or making every throw. Fielders running past slow rolling grounders because the animation fails to trigger is a problem. Failing to lock on for a routine fly ball is a problem. Innapropriate situational animations (like when you cue up a throw on relay and fielder lazily takes relay and performs slowest animation possible, resulting in runner be safe on advance) are a problem. These take the realism out if the game, and just make you focus on its flaws. It's a good game, but the fielding and pitching have glaring issues
The animations make no sense. Fielders still run past grounders. My outfielders fail to lock onto balls routinely. Some outright just drop them if you move even a hair while within the zone of catch. I had a moment where I was pitching with a runner on third . . The guy had been bunt cheesing all game. He couldn't hit anything so he just laid down bunt after bunt. I bring in D for the bunt. He bunts right back to pitcher. I proceed to throw home. And the pitcher enters the "tap ball 3 times in glove" animation before lobbing the ball home. Runner of course is safe. Can't do anything but laugh. Game can really Be a mess at times
Thought it was just me. I just avoid it now and play events or showdowns. More frustrating than fun
I think hitting is ok, but way to many foul tips. Shouldn't be so many long battles when guys are fouling off pitches in the dirt and those 2 feet above zone. Pitching is worse. If it ain't perfect feedback, it's a meatball dead center
So I have quit before during a game, but I always allow either an at bat or inning to finish to completion because i understand those accomplishments are important. I've had a ton if people quit in the middle of my own homerun. I like people that quit early, because why waste time on a game that's over early
Clarke Schmidt. But really, a major league caliber pitcher should be able to throw a ball in the dirt with relative ease. It should never hang in the zone unless you seriously miss the timing, which was not the issue
Josh Gibson- 125 power
I have never ever broken a controller in anger. Never thrown it, never even started the motion really. Then I played today preceded the aim four sinkers in the dirt, all good input, all aimed up correctly. Every single one ends up hanging out over the middle of the plate. 2 get crushed for bombs. I don't get it. I can't throw a ball in the dirt with a 92 ranked picture with perfect input. I think I'm going to step away from this game for a while. RIP controller
If the owners are not able to make the same money per game due to no ticket revenue, then neither should the players. There is no way players should be paid their full salary. However, they do need to see about possibly redistributing money from tv deal.
When i first started out with showdown I constantly lost. As i got better, showdown got easier. Now I never lose them. And I don't even think I'm that good at the game, just spent a lot of time playing.
Also, content has been awesome. My buggest problem is picking a lineup because I have too many good cards. And i haven't spent a dime on anything other than the game itself. Yes fielding can be wonky sometimes, and occasionally you'll see someone crush a down and away FB 450ft oppo somehow. All in all, I'm having a good time playing. Definitely needs some tuning and cleaning up, but SDS has really put out a very good game.
You don't have to spend a dollar if you don't want. I chose not to, and happy I did. Just play the game, grind for stubs and cards, and dont complain because you bought a pack that didn't give you 4 diamonds
I like the feedback tool a lot. I'm still having trouble with really erratic analog pitching and the occasional fielder runs right by a grounder, not triggering fielding animation. Also, had a bloop pop up bounce over my head last game and proceed to roll almost to the warning track. That was crazy. All in all, games super fun, glad they're addressing issues. Contents amazing!
New houser
FelixI feel like any pitcher with a good sinker is automatically a tic more difficult. Gets even tougher when they mix in a fastball and locate well. Oswalts curveball gives me fits because of the huge speed differential. Gotta be one if biggest pitch speed differentials in game
Lol I bought a 50 pack got ton of gold, no diamond. The I bought 20 pack and got 3 diamonds
Yeah I was frustrated by this as well. I also noticed that it can be hard sometimes to deliberately throw a ball. I'll aim an 0-2 off speed waste pitch into the dirt and somehow it just hangs in the zone, even with good timing. That pisses me off just as much as center center
Early on when I played the game I had a really hard time picking up fast balls. This was actually more because I wasn't paying attention to the count, rather I was just reacting. I don't have the skill to simply react. Fastballs have an increased likelihood of being thrown when the pitcher is behind in the count., so 3-1, 3-2, 2-1. 2-0 increases your chances of seeing them. In these counts I do two things prior to delivery. 1: I sit fastball in a specific location, usually inside. If you are looking fastball in, and you get it, that mental readiness will help you turn on time and you'll start seeing perfect, good and just early timing more often than late feedback. 2: move my thumb around a lot in the area I think the pitch could come. So people generally "waggle" their thumb prepitch, but I tend to zone it in to specific areas in fastball counts.
This changes of course given opponent. If he's working a lot of fastballs away, then I won't adjust as much since outside pitches are often easier to connect with. And also, like the guy before said, put pitch speed slider to maximum and just practice on legend difficulty. If you really want a challenge max pitch speed, pitch break, and drop off speed pitch speed all the way down. It'll give you guys, but worth it
I played a guy last night that i struck out 25 times but got 4 hits off bunts. Perfectly placed L side rollers against the shift, Granderson and Gallo. Thought that was cute
Perfect-perfect flyout
Perfect Game
This fielding is still very broken
This fielding is still very broken
This fielding is still very broken
Does Ranked Seasons fill anyone else with misery?
Hitting is way to easy
Please institute a harsher rage quit punishment
So I broke my controller today
Negro Leagues
So I broke my controller today
Mlbpa rejects the 60game offer from mlb
In all seriousness do you think sds is proud of what they put out this year !
Update 1.13 Discussion
Top pitchers so far
50 pack no luck
Can anyone at SDS answer questions about Analog Pitching Mechanics?
Any tips on reacting to a fastball
Pitching and bunting flaws