When I have Brett batting third, he is a beast. Anywhere else, I am just average with him. Pretty sure it's a mental thing.
Agreed OP. Too much BS online. I used to think COD was bad online until I started playing this game online the last 2 years. I have google fiber and a monitor and the lag and idiots online make it no fun. I play to have fun, not struggle or get mad at servers and other people. The struggle with the game is frustrating enough offline. I don't need to go back online to make it worst.
Played an event last night. Up 4-0 in the first inning. Couldn't miss. Base hits, 2 home runs. Struck him out 3 times. 2nd inning, first batter. He has the same pitcher but hit pause for a minute and a half before the first pitch. He had him in the rest of the game and I never got another hit. I switched pitchers in the next 2 innings 4 times because he hit 7 home runs out of 10 batters with pitches in the dirt and a foot outside. Did he do something in the pause menu to affect the game? Then he sent me a message after the game with some vulger comments. I reported him but not sure if anyone pays attention to that
I am surprised no one has mentioned the fact of where in the strike zone you hit your perfect/perfect. It matters. if it's dead center of the zone and you hit perfect then I could see the argument, but out of all the complaints about perfect not being home runs every time is absurd. Where the pitch in the zone matters, just like real baseball. JMO.
Does Batting Order Matter?
Small Sample Size. But not sure Online play is for me.
event last night
To the perfect/perfect crybabies