The event says that The Negro Leagues is an approved card set to use for the event, problem is there is no Negro League set. The only Negro League cards are the Sanford Green set and those are not being given as options when I build my event team. Can someone please explain what’s going on here.
It happens every year!!!
@fubar2k7_PSN said in Acuna with a Topps Now moment:
@BiigD008_XBL said in Acuna with a Topps Now moment:
First 30 hr 60 sb season ever with a grand slam.
Unanimous MVP incoming. Don’t seem to hear Juan Soto’s name much this year. I’ve always liked Acuña better from the 2 and I’m loving this season from him. I also think he could easily get to 40 homeruns and 70 steals.
Your boy Mookie is giving Ronald a run for his money. We’ll see how it shapes up down the stretch. Acuna has done pretty impressive things but that August Mookie just produced was one for the record books.
@FRSTDWN_XBL said in Phillies don't have one diamond player but have:
The most home runs in the month of August in Philadelphia history.
Well done SDS . Great job with the ratings system.
So who deserves a diamond card????
@NR7LES_XBL said in This Game is Dying:
On PlayStation charts -- MLB has not been a top 40 played game in multiple consecutive weeks. To put it in perspective, games like Sniper Elite 5 are listed as top 40...
On Xbox charts -- MLB the Show 23 currently sits at 27 this past week and has been falling, but much of that is due to the fact that the game is free with Gamepass on Xbox so numbers will be inflated. This inflation is doubled down with a chart representing current player base -- MLB the Show 23 was the only game on this list of 100 to have the highest differentiation of hours played to player count ratio. This means that the small number of people who are still playing are logging long hours.
The. Game. Is. Dying. We all know those two or three people that used to play it that don't anymore. Why? Because everyone is a 99, they force you to grind your life away, buying packs from the store is the most boring experience in any ultimate team style gamemode of any sports video game (I mean who from SDS thought it was a good idea to only allow you to pull CORE players in packs... what a snooze fest), and the game is filled with simply too much RNG that most of us in here chalk up to "baseball".
When will the community actually hold the development team accountable? It's riddled with server issues, glitches, bugs, exploits. Since release, there hasn't been a single meaningful gameplay update AT ALL. It's been like this for years now and players are picking up on it. The ones who stay are complacent. We use excuses like "it's the only option, what other baseball game would we play". When people suggest posts like this, they get targeted with phrases like "must of lost today" instead of having an open HONEST dialogue with constructive criticism on how we can provide ways to improve the game through the power of the players.
If not, enjoy making your snobby comments towards people who post in here that are passionate about playing the game at a high level. We're leaving... The game that is your "only option" will continue to bleed out of a player base until it looses enough money year over year to where that option is no longer available. The only ones left behind will be players who don't care for competitive online play, or offline players. I wish I was wrongs.
This information is not true
@Blind_Bleeder said in Hotel Wifi:
I usually hotspot my phone or iPad. I’m paranoid about open public wifi systems.
With good reason, if you use open wifi without a vpn you’re just asking to be hacked and it’s not very hard.
@NR7LES_XBL said in You guys…:
@samguenther1987 said in You guys…:
@NR7LES_XBL said in You guys…:
The fact that you guys defend this game when it’s been 8 days since the full stamina glitch is actually crazy.
It’s awful. Enjoy your 500s in RS. Consider me another player done for the year, and checked out for next. This game will die, its playerbase has been bleeding out for the past few years. Enjoy grinding programs and spending $2,500 ya weirdos ️
See you tomorrow
I bet that’s the same thing you said to the millions that have left this franchise since ‘20!
Millions???? Seeings there are over Six million users this year. Oh and there were over 6 million last year. So if the franchise lost millions they got millions in new users. In the scientific community we call that attrition. Boom, you got served. Come back tomorrow and I’ll be glad to serve you up again. Have a wonderful evening troll.
@NR7LES_XBL said in You guys…:
I just played and smoked someone with 550 hours of Diamond Dynasty. 550 hours since march 28th. That’s roughly 30 hours a week! who are you people!? Go outside my goodness.
You wanna play me? I’ve got double that and my guess is I’d double you up.
I remember when extreme was truly extreme. 4 dingers with Gehrig on Hall of Fame difficulty. Or trying to take a territory by a certain turn and it requires you steal fans on Hall of Fame difficulty or higher to be able to accomplish the task. Or facing Bob Gibson on HOF difficulty in a Showdown. But the grind was worth it because the reward was an ultra rare sellable card. But the crybabies did us in. Complaining that it was too hard to complete and that it wasn’t fair that they couldn’t get the reward because extreme actually required a modicum amount of skill to accomplish. Just like the crybabies complained so loudly about br that SDS caves and gave them a program so they could get the same rewards as the actual 12-0 guys got. So nah, not really looking forward to playing a bunch of moments or 3 inning games on AS difficulty.
Have you tried to delete the game from your hard drive and reinstall. P.S. I didn’t read your whole diatribe so if you mentioned it disregard.
@robby1156_PSN said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
I sent them a ticket they will not compensate me. But I am confident they did this on purpose since Robert was such a popular investment.
I’m fairly confident that the Lord almighty did not bless you with an above average intellect either!
@TubbyMcLumpkins_XBL said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
@BaratBarrage-_MLBTS said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
I had 300 of him. It's one thing if it was an offensive update and we decided to sell him and miss out on him going diamond but when there's one defensive upgrade a year and they somehow "forget" him, I know there's a lot of people who did the same.
Absolutely!!! I opened a ticket in hopes I can get the stubs that were lost. But this is a sad situation, and shouldn’t have happened based on the amount of time they’ve been doing this.
Lol, SDS admits the mistake because they’re human after all and as fallible as any of us. And you expect that they should offer you a handout because of your impatience and itchiness to sell him back because he was never going diamond. GTFO kiddo. In real life you don’t get a mulligan on the stock market and hiccups do happen on the market. Go cry in a corner!!!
@cjhanz84_PSN said in LouBob goes to 87… LMAO:
Who is Loubob and why did he upbruptly get an 87?
Luis Robert, he went diamond but was omitted from the update on Friday. Now the crybabies who sold him back before today are crying that they lost out on the extra stubs instead of being patient and waiting til the next update.
@samguenther1987 said in SHARK?? SHARK!!:
And then the extreme program on Friday
Yeah that means All Star moments and All Star Conquest games on turn based objectives. Maybe a Showdown on All Star difficulty. All the whiners have destroyed this program. I remember when the extreme program was introduced 5 years ago. Everything was on Hall of Fame and legend difficulty. 4 homers with Lou Gehrig on Hall of fame difficulty. That was the most insane moment I’ve ever played and I actually completed it after about 50 tries. All the crybabies whined so loud that they nerfed it 2 years later. Bring back the insanity and stfu if you can’t do it.
@XxMEGA-81-TRONxX_PSN said in Is there a stub cap in 23’?:
I have 10000 Josh naylor ab was just informed there’s a stub cap? I’m scared to wuicksell all of them now
The stub cap is 5 million I believe however you are also endanger of incurring a ban as SDS would probably see what you have done as market manipulation. You’re best bet is to start quick selling those card in small quantities so as to not red flag your account. Good luck
@Bob_Loblaw1984 said in And your July lightning card is…:
Cody Bellinger. Will he be on a different team when this drops? Most likely.
Austin Riley says hello
@Nic-OTeen69_PSN said in freeze off with Cooldowns:
Why did SDS think it was a decent idea to add a cooldown period to Ranked Co Op when their game freezes all the time? The screen is frozen until someone leaves and once that person leaves they get a cooldown period, so you get to choose between staring at the game or not being able to play because of the cooldown. Genius idea
I absolutely agree with the cooldown for those who intentionally disconnect and believe this should be implemented across the board for all online modes where a user is facing another user however when a freeze off happens you should definitely not be penalized with this deterrent. Not sure it can be fixed either as a freeze off can only end by someone doing exactly what you have to do to initiate the cooldown which is a hard shutdown of the game whether you dashboard or power down the console. I guess the only solution is to fix the freezing issues. From what I hear a new engine is on the horizon which hopefully will solve the freezing problems.
@CoyoteOfTheWind_PSN said in Stop the Royals hate:
Please hire a Royals fan SDS. How are there 0 99 Royals 4 months after release when EVERY OTHER TEAM HAS AT LEAST 3?!?! I get that the Royals are trash this year, but even the A's have plenty of 99's to pick from. At least give us 99's from the two championship teams. Come on SDS!
Aside from George Brett, who would you look to be giving a 99 to at this point in the games cycle. We all know a Sal card is coming and probably a Witt Jr or Greinke and possibly both. What other legends would you give a 99 to that is a Royal. Not hating just being logical.
@SkipPractice_PSN said in To.SDS:
SDS won’t help nobody unless it is dumb Ramone scoring a commercial deal with Nugenix appearing in a commercial with Frank Thomas because they both produce to much estrogen.
Hey Ramone likes Frank.
Go Frank Go!
What a mature comment
Perfect perfect
Event Issue
Refund possible?
Acuna with a Topps Now moment
Phillies don't have one diamond player but have
This Game is Dying
Hotel Wifi
You guys…
You guys…
Thoughts on being locked out of DD
LouBob goes to 87… LMAO
LouBob goes to 87… LMAO
LouBob goes to 87… LMAO
Is there a stub cap in 23’?
And your July lightning card is…
freeze off with Cooldowns
Stop the Royals hate