I tried it but my pci was never blocked to the zone i selected

You can think it's boring, other will think that farming cpu on conquest/showdown/mini seasons us boring too.
What's the issue ? You need stubbs ? Flip cards.
What are the cards that you feel are pay to win ?
I've always been a NMS, playing DD since 1st year and always made all the collections. Some years i got the live series collection done in june/july but last year was too easy. It's never fun to play a game/mode with no challenge. -
When i push the left stick while i'm hitting (zone), 9 dots appears and i can select one of them.
Do we know something about that new feature ? -
maybe we're getting tired of copy-pasting. to start the same programs and team affinity every year to end up always with the same cards and teams. -
Is there a way to find cards in high definition ?
Bigger than the one we can see on theshownation.com -
@htonsecurity5x said in Well It's Matt Kemp guys one of our inning bosses:
Good to see him now, would also like to see a 99 duke snider soon..them guys get lost in the shuffle once May’s,mantle, Griffey, trout, belligener drop
Bellinger in that group of hall of famers ? The guy hitting 8th in dodgers lineup at the age of 26 ?
Where is Matt Kemp now ? 99 should not involve players of 3 seasons at high level... And then disapears.
I loved Kemp because of having him in my fantasy lineup but this guy never deserves to be rated as high as HOFers.
SDS need to reevaluate the rating in DD. -
@stewart1465_psn said in Extend First Inning Program:
If they did that, it would delay the 2nd inning program, which will likely have better cards.
what's the issue if we get more time for 1st inning without changing release date of 2nd inning ?
Am i missing something or it's impossible to place color codes ? Like FFF for white or 000 for black...
Should be a nice and basic feature, we're in 2021. When i think design/customisation it hink photoshop/illustrator, apps using color codes since long time (beginning ?) -
We should also get free content. Not playing a game when you sell "early access" ? That's a malpractice.
i already have a monitor, it's basic. but i noticed that people had some trouble with 4K on ps4 pro. response time is sometimes the good combination of good hardware settings requiring to lower the image quality.
Do we know what's the best setup/settings for response time on ps5 with the show 21 ? Same as ps4 ?
Do we know what's the best setup/settings for response time on ps5 with the show 21 ? Same as ps4 ?
Hi there, haven't been present since long time.
Is there a kind of topic that compress differences between the game on next generation ? -
@ItsaCanesthing said in Why is Miguel Cabrera a Sig. Series!?!:
@allmustfall16 said in Why is Miguel Cabrera a Sig. Series!?!:
Cabrera will be in Cooperstown in the Old English D.
Not even debatable. He will also have a statue outside Comerica Park someday.
- Cobb
- Greenberg
- Heilmann
- Cabrera
- Kaline
- Gehringer
7-10 could be very debatable for all time Tigers hitters. But these are my top 6 all time, and Cabrera is the 4th best hitter that’s ever wore the Tigers uniform in my opinion.
That’s a big feat considering we’ve been around since 1901.
Nope Still a Marlin
Won his only title in MiamiJust because you stole him for a bucket of baseballs and a player to be born later does not mean he is yours.
You're the only one here who didn't forget that baseball is a team sport.
13 seasons with Tigers, 1 sweep in 1 WS appearence, 7 seasons with a negative record, 5 times division last place, 4 PO appearence.
But yes, he was a good hitter. That's the minimum you can expect when you pay a player 30 millions per year.
I'll never understand how we can consider players as "one of the best of all time" when the guy never won anything and has played in a notorious losing team. Same for Mike Trout. -
Miggy's swing is not the same ? Good news for me, i never had succes with him on past editions.
Arrieta CY Young is the biggest miss for the moment. Would have been a nice choice with Griffey and another position player.
yep totally agree; that's why i want to know who is behind those arts and their works.
What are rhe dots appearing when you press left stick ?
New program has absolutely killed NMS
New program has absolutely killed NMS
New program has absolutely killed NMS
What are rhe dots appearing when you press left stick ?
Is it just me or is the hype not as strong for the game this year?
Cards in high resolution
Well It's Matt Kemp guys one of our inning bosses
Well It's Matt Kemp guys one of our inning bosses
Extend First Inning Program
Colors on customization
Extend First Inning Program
Best response time setup
Best response time setup
Best response time setup
Differences between PS5 and XBOX X ?
Why is Miguel Cabrera a Sig. Series!?!
SS Miggy
Its time for run it back part 2
The show card designers