Let me lock in all 5 show down vouchers for TA at one time instead of having to lock in 1 voucher 5 different times.

I’ve been playing so far with no season so why stop if I still enjoy the game ?
If you’re throwing high sinkers then I have no sympathy for you lol.
Because it sucked investing stubs into a SP that you never knew when you would use. I remember getting 2 SPs into the rotation at roughly the same time and you’d have 2 starts with one and 20 with the other.
I think the change was done though somewhat to accommodate streamers and content creators for their “reveal” videos.
BIAH pack. National League. Right fielder. Live Series. Come on Cody Bellinger!
Reveal the player and first thing I see is Dodgers logo on front of jersey!!!
And it’s Mookie Betts
Trout is about the only LS position player still viable as a starter in ranked seasons at this point at the upper divisions. Also go ahead and get the biggest hurdle out of the way to getting Mantle.
Mantle is the only answer.
The 87 Victor Robles that you get through Xp reward path has been great. Won’t give you much power but great contact, arm, and speed.
Big Daddy Dirtbag. I always chuckle a little when I hear the audio lol.
I love using it when playing trolls. Bunt dancing, holding R2, constantly pausing and letting the timer run. If someone uses it against me I don’t really care. Let’s me text people back that I put on hold for 45 minutes lol.
Yelich mashes and he locks on to about the same amount of fly balls as diamond defensive out fielders do.
I use the USA map to grind out daily/ team affinity innings played when I don’t feel like grinding showdowns or playing ranked.
I think it’s the same odds that are shown when you do play VS cpu for whichever difficulty you play.
@Tuke7-1 said in NMS, sell or keep Trout?:
@Kid_Cutr said in NMS, sell or keep Trout?:
@SMASHED_THAT said in NMS, sell or keep Trout?:
Keep him the rest of the al west should be cake now that you got the most expensive player in the game/division
I was debating going AL West next because of this and I’m doing so Rendon will be an upgrade over Bryant. But I’m now sure if I should focus on completing NL first or not since I’m way further ahead on collections on that side of things.
I have Rendon & KB and while I like Rendon, KB seems VERY glitchy to me this far.
I don’t hit much for average with KB but he’s good for at least one extra base hit a game. Usually a bomb shot homer.
Collections no doubt.
I think it should work the opposite way. An outlier is something that does not go with the majority of the data set. So normally he should be throwing like 98 and then when you hit the timing perfectly for your pitch release that’s when you get that extra little boost. Throwing 102 the whole game is not an outlier at that point, that’s just what he throws.
I’d say just keep flipping and saving until sds drops a program worth something so you can get all the inning bosses or some oher headliner or prospect that really peaks your interest. If nothing out at the moment gets you excited then no reason to blow your stubs away.
@bkoke said in What to spend stubs on?:
@Kid_Cutr said in What to spend stubs on?:
I’d say just keep flipping and saving until sds drops a program worth something so you can get all the inning bosses or some oher headliner or prospect that really peaks your interest. If nothing out at the moment gets you excited then no reason to blow your stubs away.
That’s basically what I’ve been doing. Just wondering if there are any other collections worth completing at this time.
You could always go for the prospect collection that give you a ballin is a habit bundle but if your pack luck is anything like me I wouldn’t touch it with a ten foot pole lol.
@Harryhukari33 said in HOF hitting.:
HOF is close to perfect imo. Much harder for good placement and timing, but plays much better and much more rewarding. AS is unbearable.
On HOF I look to recognize pitches and tendencies early then work from there. I find that once you get used to the timing and speed, it plays about perfect.
The speed is what is getting me. I’m still pretty decent on picking up off speed and squaring that up but fastballs feel so hard to catch up too.
At least you’re not Kendrick Perkins where his kids racked up 16 Gs on fortnite lmao. It's 30 bucks dude. Not even worth the hassle of trying to get in touch with Sony. If $30 is that important to you than I suggest you stop playing video games and find a better paying job or pick up some extra shifts.
Quality of life NEEDS!!!
Will you keep playing if the 2020 season gets the axe?
Holy $&@!
Randomized pitchers
NL equivalent to Springer troll.
Who to buy? Help me spend 344k
Outfield help
Besides Mike Trout..
Who is your Created Player?
Do you hate HR replays?
I need a new RF
Post game reward odds for conquest victories on legend?
NMS, sell or keep Trout?
Fastest Way to level Up?
Can we re-work the "outlier" perk
What to spend stubs on?
What to spend stubs on?
HOF hitting.