Can you change the bullpen placement in stadium creator?
In Customs Teams for Franchise Mode/MTO is there a third uniform now?
Apr 1, 2022, 3:28 PM
Mar 18, 2022, 5:48 AM
@mtcantwe_psn said in Expansion:
One day bring expansion in:
DLC new league configurations. Division sizes and playoff build. I’m crazy, so if the league expanded to 32. I’d do 4 divisions of 8. 12 team playoff. 4 division winners get a bye. Rest of team are all Wild Cards for 3 game series. That would be one of a few options to choose from.
Pre built Minor League team packages. Meaning, you choose a city in this region of the country for your franchise, you can choose from these packages of minor league teams.
Allow a forum to upload computer designed logos. Not a fan of current logo builder. But keep it as an option.
Instead of playing on day one. Allow one season not to play immediately and build the franchise staff then expansion draft.
Make the pre built stadiums for expansion teams, very in depth. MLB stadiums are often so personal to the team. The more you do that the better.
List of 6-8 pre built teams and capabilities to create own. Ability to save multiple uniforms to team history. Could give you the ability to have more than two sets of uniforms?Again these are just some thoughts. Maybe other people have additional ideas.
Love your ideas, if they could configure what NBA 2K does and add it to MLB the show I think it would be great.
Mar 9, 2022, 6:30 PM
Has anyone seen the new Batman movie? What you guys think?
Still got a few weeks to go before MLB comes out so might as well just kill time talking about other stuff, plus lockout so yeah has anyone seen it yet? -
Feb 20, 2022, 5:56 AM
If anyone knows wrestling… SDS is like the Vince Russo of the sports gaming industry
Feb 19, 2022, 7:45 PM
@bladimil2k_psn said in Franchise:
I think there will be a franchise mode just untouched obviously
Feb 18, 2022, 6:23 PM
I wonder if they’ve implemented 3 jerseys to customize or if it will still be 2?
Feb 16, 2022, 5:43 PM
@pennstatefencer said in Ps, xbox, or nintendo?:
I have a PS4, PS5, Series S, and Switch.
I’m wondering what I should do. I have PS4 currently, but where I live PS5’s are impossible to find but they have XBOX Series S in stock, would you consider buying a Series S over PS5? For myself I would still keep my PS4, I’m just a casual gamer and once I move out I would plan to have 2 gaming consoles regardless.
Feb 16, 2022, 3:24 PM
What’s going to stop other players from just quitting through a game? I’ll be surprised if these games last a full 9 innings vs strangers
Feb 15, 2022, 8:03 PM@nflman2033_mlbts said in Might as well delete this forum topic: Honestly Franchise players have no reason to buy every year. I'm still playing 20, mostly because I can't find a ps5. I am the same as you bud, I was hoping to upgrade with a Series S but only if Franchise has been upgraded. SDS only caters to making money and not satisfying there customers
Feb 15, 2022, 4:48 PM
I don’t want to tell them how to run a company but they should work on fixing existing modes and making sure there 100% before bring in new modes to maintain and fix. I can see issues with Competitive co-op ie: bad network connection, servers or the opposition quitting. They should first fix existing modes and adding to them so they are refined and then roll out plans for new modes, they can also take out March to October and/or combine it with Franchise Mode and make that great again. I’m interested to hear what you all think?
Feb 15, 2022, 4:30 PM
@suntlacrimae50_psn said in 22 Premieres coming:
I'm still sick with MLBtS21 fatigue...
I'll get excited if there's any movement whatsoever on the Franchise front. Don't expect that to be the case, though.
Very unlikely I would say, they don’t have a feature premier for franchise mode so they obviously just don’t care about our options
Feb 15, 2022, 4:07 PM@ginganation1_xbl said in Online Franchise Mode!!!: You're including another mode where we can play with and against our friends. Yay. BUT...we want to play with and against our friends in the Franchise Mode...ONLINE!!! I know you hear us and have read our tweets. Why are you blatantly ignoring us Ramone Russellof San Diego Studios? Ugh. I've replied to every single tweet MLB The Show has made and tagged Ramone Russell and San Diego Studios in an attempt to bring back that amazing Online Franchise Mode. I'm going to start a hashtag #OnlineFranchiseMode and apply that to each response I make. Haha screams into the void I have a bad feeling that they won’t be touching franchise mode with a 10 foot poll, so I wouldn’t get my hopes up this year if them adding that or working on that. My opinion is that SDS should first fix Franchise Mode and then introduce new game modes cause at least you can satisfy your fan base and customers. Very annoying that they don’t care hopefully I’m wrong and they do something with it.
Feb 15, 2022, 4:00 PM
Will there be Franchise Mode? I don’t see it on the feature premieres, will it be mixed in with march to October?
Feb 14, 2022, 8:28 AM
I know there’s changes to stadium creator with night games and some other updates but I’m hoping for something big and revealing for the streams and other gameplay trailers, hopefully something good for franchise mode,
Feb 14, 2022, 8:21 AM
Does anyone care about this mode? I’m only asking cause I don’t hear anyone ever say they would die for this mode lol I feel that SDS is giving us the big F U by working on this game mode and not doing anything to Franchise Mode, there just saying thanks for 90 bucks here march to October…
Feb 14, 2022, 8:16 AM
I didn’t buy MLB21 because the lack of effort in franchise mode. I am planning to buy a Series S and upgrade and buy 22 but I am waiting for more info because I don’t care for online play I just enjoy playing franchise and having fun with it and SDS lacks so much in that. Madden has a better franchise mode and that’s not saying much. I went 5 years in for NHL19 because it was just enjoyable with the Expansion Mode and NBA the same but with MLB I had a hard time going further because there’s no life in this mode and I just hope that they do some remodelling or else It’ll be another year of not buying the game. I boycotted last year and not afraid to do it again, do give this company our money if they don’t care about there “customers”
Feb 8, 2022, 8:14 PM
My hope for this new game is that they upgrade the trading system (add cash, more players or draft picks). Add sponsorships or logo like in NBA 2K where you can have more customization to your stadium and add a third jersey. Even league realignment would be nice or expansion just like what the NBA 2K has in there franchise mode. What do you guys want or think should be added to this mode? Do people still like this mode or want to play it? I didn’t buy 21 due to lack of upgrades but I am considering 22 if the necessary changes are made to franchise mode that make it fun to grind.
Feb 8, 2022, 5:52 AM
Will you be able to move the bullpen to the outfield?
Feb 8, 2022, 5:44 AM
My hope for this new game is that they upgrade the trading system (add cash, more players or draft picks). Add sponsorships or logo like in NBA 2K where you can have more customization to your stadium and add a third jersey. Even league realignment would be nice or expansion just like what the NBA 2K has in there franchise mode. What do you guys want or think should be added to this mode? Do people still like this mode or want to play it? I didn’t buy 21 due to lack of upgrades but I am considering 22 if the necessary changes are made to franchise mode that make it fun to grind.
Feb 8, 2022, 5:42 AM
My hope for this new game is that they upgrade the trading system (add cash, more players or draft picks). Add sponsorships or logo like in NBA 2K where you can have more customization to your stadium and add a third jersey. Even league realignment would be nice or expansion just like what the NBA 2K has in there franchise mode. What do you guys want or think should be added to this mode? Do people still like this mode or want to play it? I didn’t buy 21 due to lack of upgrades but I am considering 22 if the necessary changes are made to franchise mode that make it fun to grind.
2 questions
The Batman
Like if you get the reference
3 jerseys to customize in this years game?
Ps, xbox, or nintendo?
Online competitive co-op
Might as well delete this forum topic
Fix existing modes before you introduce new ones
22 Premieres coming
Online Franchise Mode!!!
SDS is there going to be a Franchise Mode?
Like if you think the games is just going to be copy and paste + 90 bucks for roster updates?
Do people care about this mode?
Might as well delete this forum topic
Since no body reads the other forums
Franchise mode thought, let me know what you want
Franchise mode thoughts