I'll just wait for the free stuff they are gonna wind up giving us when it is all said and done. For the inconvenience. That's what they did For MLB The Show 17 when the servers were just as bad. I have no problem buying the the 4 diamonds I need to get back to where I was. I was just saying for the kids that really don't have money or the kids that there parents won't give them the money to on the game. Especially if they lost all their cards and there parents know. Just feel bad for them.

Yeah someone said mentioned that yesterday. That happened when I linked my account to the the show nation. Cause I also got it on xbox gamepass so I can play on my phone at work.
@clefans_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
I know this is all really frustrating (is there a more powerful word than frustrated). I been through the unlinking and server errors and everything with all of you... But I keep seeing people saying SDS doesn't care... If you just step back and look at the situation, SDS and Partners are probably losing Millions because of all this so wouldnt it be in their best interest to be working 24/7 to fix these issues and then do something to appease their customers like free packs or stubs or whatever. Reworking the programming takes time so hopefully we will see a resolution soon. If Im wrong though and this isnt being taken seriously by the company, than they would be the worst business I've encountered. I doubt it though. Ill give them till end of week personally... But after that even I might just move on. Just my opinion...
Yeah ok they will give free packs and stubs. But the thing those free packs are gonna give everyone all the diamonds they had. I lost seven diamonds. Which I brought 3 again.And Still have 4 more to get. Which are 2 flashbacks Josh Donaldson and Tino Martinez. And two live series Which Seager And Buhler. And the Buhler I pulled twice like every year he has been in the game. And also if I unlink my account I will lose the Verlander I pulled on Saturday. If SDS can just throw them back in my account that would be cool. But doubt they would do that. Just saying.
@ziggyhabs_xbl said in Class Action Lawsuit for Unlinking issue:
I believe we just need to be able to unlink the accounts. Once we do that, our progress will be back. We just have to wait until its fixed and we can properly unlink. Hoping for tomorrow
My thing is will I get my cards back and keep the cards that I had to buy all over again if I unlink.
@magicbush86_psn said in Class Action Lawsuit for Unlinking issue:
@yankblan_psn said in Class Action Lawsuit for Unlinking issue:
@gangallama_psn said in Class Action Lawsuit for Unlinking issue:
For those of you affected by the linking and unlinking issue that has caused the loss of money and time, please contact me if you’re interested in being a part of a lawsuit to get our money back. Not for the base game but for all the extras that we have essentially been robbed of. All the stubs. The preorder bonuses. And our time.. It is obvious SDS has no intent on fixing or even acknowledging the issue so I think it’s time we take action.
Your case is going to be heard in 2-3 years, there is an agreement you signed when you bought the game and your stuff will be back soon.
Good luck with that. The only winner here will be the lawyers.
I am not sure you can even sue them. When you signed the TOS agreement there is stuff in there about arbitration.
I believe you would have to accept the offer. If SDS gave you one. Which is usually a 10 pack of cards and maybe some stub. If people don't except then they can most likely file a law suit. That's what happend when Sony ps3 or Ps4 went down for like 3 months. They offered two free games. For you not to be part of a class action law suit. Which I took the free games. I took the free games back then. Also when SDS was having server issues for the show 17 they gave away everyone a free 10 pack bundle. So look out for that to happen again.
@cleavahcleav_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
At this point just give me like 500,000 stubs and I’ll start over . I had 7 team collections done all TAs conferences over 40% with 6 players from them was around 270,000 xp- my 2 preorder 42 players . Numerous diamond pulls including degrom
I just want to play and don’t want to waste anymore time.Already started over but I'll take the 500,000 stubs
@jreaming_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
why cant i unlink my psn account and re link it
My bad. I thought you were asking me why I can't just unlink and remind it
@jreaming_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
why cant i unlink my psn account and re link it
I'm not taking a chance losing all the stuff I re-brought. That I lost after losing everything I had. Plus I pulled a Verlander this time. And git the Clemente card when I also got the game on xbox game pass for when I play on my phone when I am at work.
The 2 diamond I lost Buhler And Seager. They are pretty cheap should be able to get in about a year. Lol
Yeah I will just stay with this 7 card away from all the cards that got wiped. And just pulled a Verlander. Not taking any chances. Maybe SDS can use the 100 dollar I gave them for nothing to get better servers
@kyllin_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
Ok, get this. I switched profiles on my ps5 (it’s set as my home ps5) to my wife’s and started the game. Hit the link, logged in online here, put in the code, chose the mlbts account (the one that says you’ll lose all you progress) and it accepted it fine and all my progress and items were right there on my ps5 but under my wife’s profile. I then unlinked, switched back to my profile, put in the code and it errored out as usual. Did the same thing on the Xbox and had the exact same results. I’m leaving the Xbox linked for now and just playing under my wife’s profile with all my stuff and progress restored.
Yeah I read tip that s you what to do but my thing is. I do that will I lose all my card that I purchase from the market again. Cause if so it not worth it.
8 cards away from what I had already. -
Yeah I read tip that s you what to do but my thing is. I do that will I lose all my card that I purchase from the market again after linking my account. Cause if so it not worth it. 8 cards away from what I had already. SDS please reply.
Was there every Any mention of linking your account before you open packs or brought cards from the market. If not that is a big issue. If they didn't mention it they will probably give people some free stuff.
Had the same problem. Lost all my progress after linking my account. Waisted another 140.00 to buy all the gold And Diamond cards I had. Which was mostly all the gold cards minus the Twin need 5 more for them. Lost my complete collection of the Orioles. And I still have some cards that have to be brought again.
Class Action Lawsuit for Unlinking issue
Class Action Lawsuit for Unlinking issue
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Class Action Lawsuit for Unlinking issue
Class Action Lawsuit for Unlinking issue
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress