Thank you guys I’ll try that

I can’t even use season 4 relief pitchers
When I select the player I want from other season it switches my selection,isn’t supposed to be all cards eligible?
I just realize that,
I just selected Mark McGuire from team affinity and is no where to be found,but if I go to my collection the card is there,but is not available in manage squad!
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X can you please explain how auto generate cuz I can only use season 4 and 5 cards
Same problem I though we would be able to use any card set🤬but what can u expect they haven’t even fix that glitch that if you try to sell a card that your not actually using in the squad but you previusly did they wont allowed you to sell it it wold said that that card still in the squad when it really not!
And is only happening to a few of us
@blitz77tw_MLBTS i seem that happened too
And I bought new controller that didn’t fixed,maybe I have to buy the 200.00$ controller?
That’s exactly what’s happening to me watch the video and tell me what ya think
I was watching a video on YouTube a guy exactly with the same problem
@Dolenz_PSN it doesn’t matter if I pressed contact swing or power swing,and your right no matter how hard you press online or offline games
This is [censored] you can’t even swing against the computer I can’t even do the programs🤬
Check swing glitch you press the button to swing and it only gives you check swing no matter how hard you press the button
The thing is am trying to make a full swing and press the x and it won’t respond 🤬
Sometimes I swing and the batter just fake it it’s so distracting
How do I file a ticket?
All cards elible??
All cards elible??
All cards elible??
Missing card
Missing card
Why Do We Still Need The Wild Card?
Past season cards
Past season cards
Check swing does the game creator care about it?
Check swing does the game creator care about it?
Check swing does the game creator care about it?
Check swing does the game creator care about it?
Check swing does the game creator care about it?
Check swing does the game creator care about it?
Check swing does the game creator care about it?
Check swing does the game creator care about it?
Check swing does the game creator care about it?
List any issues you have encountered.
List any issues you have encountered.
Bought a player and is not in my inventory