Bad to worse. This game is all over the map. Fielders not fielding. Runners going on their own and can’t make them go back. March to October with the Yankees and the orioles play like they are the 27 Yankees. I get it games are supposed to be challenging and that makes them fun. But when it feels like your team is intentionally being held back from performing it gets old quickly. Starting to loose faith in this game

Yep its gone from bad to worse to awful a catastrophe. Fielders have gone from trying to field to running the other way. Sick sick joke sds
Agreed. It’s garbage right now. It’s like it wasn’t ready for prime time. Not spending any money on it until it’s decent.
Hitting is still in the toilet. I’ve tried all settings. Directional, analog, zone. It’s garbage. The show has lost their touch. I guess for all those saying it’s more real they are right. Everyone is hitting .200. Makes me want to fire it up. I have went back to ‘19 until it is fixed. I don’t want it like it was opening week when it was home run derby but find some middle ground
That part of Fenway has cursed me too. A ball went through the netting took a hard left from 8 rows foul right into a diving fielders glove for an out. Crazy spot in the game
I downloaded the beta. Got to a few practice swings. Went to try diamond dynasty and got booted after opening packs. Now I can’t even load the game or the comment page online
Bad to worse
please deliver to developers! ! everything that is wrong
This game is unplayable
Can some please explain
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