Hanley Ramirez. The guy is an absolute stud!!

My bad, man. Not trying to cause more hate in Show Nation lol.
I love El Duque. I've thrown about 35 innings with him and have an ERA under 2. The curve is elite and the heat is enough to remain deceptive. High sinker with the hammer curve is enough to keep people guessing. Also has a really good slider. Definitely worth the stubs for the 4th starter in your rotation.
Hanley Ramirez. I prestiged with him a couple weeks ago and all he does is make hard contact. Also really like the 90 Gavin Lux (he crushes high heat), Kenny Lofton & Miggy.
I like Cueto. I've only used him once and pitched 6 strong innings with him. His pitches move a ton, which could be a good or bad thing. Never seen a high sinker move as much as his does, though, which IMO is a great pitch. His cutter is filthy too.
The guy has been absolutely amazing for me on RS. I've yet to face him at the plate, so IDK if it's his delivery that messes with people or what but he's been my best SP for weeks now.
@raesONE said in The high & tight sinker:
@jpott3012 said in The high & tight sinker:
@raesONE said in The high & tight sinker:
By all means, keep doing your thing. But if you rely so heavily on that 1 pitch, you'll eventually run into someone who will demolish each and every high sinker you throw and that will leave your spirit crushed. Especially when you'll start throwing offspeed, which is inevitably going to happen, and the guy can sit back on those as well. You'll then be left without a pitching approach, because your one trick pony strategy has been taken away and you'll most likely ragequit in the next inning or the one after that.
That has happened a time or two lol. It really doesn't effect me much, though. This is the first year I've played DD and I've been sitting between 12-20 games over .500 all season. Seems like I'll win 4 in a row, lose 4 in a row and repeat that cycle over and over again. It's frustrating but I stopped letting it actually make me mad. Playing this game is supposed to be fun lol.
Well that's good, there's no point in getting upset anyway. But it would benefit you to develop a better and more strategic pitching approach if you'd like to have some success in this game. Because once you hit the upper tiers, pretty much everyone can hit that sinker fairly consistent.
Oh, for sure. I've sat between 550-725 all season. I mix it up quite a bit with El Duque and Kluber, but I know I'm not actually good at the game. I'm just trying to stay close to 20 games over and maybe get hot and make a run at 800 before I move onto Madden or FIFA.
Yep. I can tell pretty quickly if I'm playing a guy who is going to expose that pitch and sit on it. Those games usually end in Ls for me haha!
@KILLERPRESENCE4 said in Win 4 in a row, lose 4 in a row:
@jpott3012 said in Win 4 in a row, lose 4 in a row:
This seems to be how my RS has played out all year long. I'm currently on a 5-game winning streak but know the fall back down to the 500s probably starts tonight. Anyone else seem to ride the rollercoaster like this? I'm very much average (20 games over .500) but really don't feel like my performance changes much from game to game but these wild swings still happen.
Play less. Whether you believe it or not, your play will deteriorate the longer you play. This is do to a number of factors ranging from muscle fatigue, mental fatigue, visual fatigue and a number of other factors which you cant physically feel going on. Limit your time playing ranked seasons to one or two games per sitting and then go do something else within the game whether it be events or showdown or just plain stat grind offline. It will also limit the amount of trolls that you will have to endure playing RS. Also the longer you play the more likelihood that you’ll be matched up with someone that is clearly superior to your level of play. And one last thing. I definitely hang it up when I lose. Your mood definitely plays into the quality of your gameplay. Hope this helps.
Preciate it! That all makes sense. I typically play a game or two a night and that's been a good balance for me whether I'm on a winning streak or a losing streak. And I can definitely tell when I'm matched up with a superior opponent. Those games are over in a hurry lol. It's amazing how some guys literally punish even the tiniest mistake over and over again.
This seems to be how my RS has played out all year long. I'm currently on a 5-game winning streak but know the fall back down to the 500s probably starts tonight. Anyone else seem to ride the rollercoaster like this? I'm very much average (20 games over .500) but really don't feel like my performance changes much from game to game but these wild swings still happen.
150-130. First year playing online.
Edward Cabrera
Felix Hernandez
Cliff Lee
Roy Oswalt
Zach WheelerAll are absolute studs and all have ERAs under 2.5 in RS. Felix was my ace since the beginning but Cabrera has passed him up. Dude is by far the best pitcher in the game.
@t-rox_09_mlbts said in 96 Stanton:
Stanton is phenomenal on all star and hof vs righties. His pci is small on legend but most are. Vs lefties he is literally the best in my opinion on all difficulties. His defense and arm make him way better than Braun, who is a bench bat at best but should never see the field.
Preciate it! I'm gonna give him a shot.
Who's the one guy you can't take out of your lineup?
First year playing DD. Why does everyone hate this game?
Mike Trout
El Duque or Daniel Murphy?
Cards that surprise you
Is Johnny Cueto a good 5 starter?
Anyone else out there love El Duque?
The high & tight sinker
The high & tight sinker
Win 4 in a row, lose 4 in a row
Win 4 in a row, lose 4 in a row
at this point in the year, what's your RS record?
Two months in; who is in your rotation?
96 Stanton