@Victor_SDS still my account has not been restored
Still my account has not been restored.
@JestersDead13 if they don’t fix it then it becomes a liability. Who wants to spend hours upon hours to unlock things to risk losing it. It was bad enough they created seasons where you spend 10-12 hours or even more to unlock a single card that can only be used during that season. Wild cards are a joke.
@MoneyManMike55 I am giving them until this weekend and then I am just done playing this game for good. I’ll just watch baseball. This game is so time consuming to have this happen is a nail in the coffin for me.
I pre ordered and lost all my pre order bonuses, stubs, story line progress and DD progress. Waited for the server update to finish logged in and still nothing. Everything is gone still. Not to mention I have not received any response from SDS on my submission form.
25 hours later it is still not fixed. This is some BS.
They are so dumb with the make sure you link the correct account. Anyone that is paranoid about what will happen if you don’t link the correct one. You can always unlink and go back to link the correct account. I have the show on both PS5 and switch. It shows both accounts and I can always switch which account I am logged into. It means nothing. The content in game is linked to your consoles account.
This is some BS. 16 1/2 hours later and they still have not fixed the issue. Time for a refund.
@BJDUBBYAH my wife is 42 years old and replaces words with emojis. It’s the most annoying thing in the world to me. Trying to figure out what each individual emoji means.
@Victor_SDS time to hand out free packs with bonus diamond players if you ever fix it. Not some lame diamond players either.
You haven’t even got the brunt of it yet. There is going to be thousands of people who wake up in 2-4 hours on the west coast that have not even found out their progress is wiped. -
@VelvetThunder_x I do expect a working product. Been playing this game for over 10 years. Never had this problem before and I don’t own a single game that suddenly all my progress gets wiped. So your take on the situation is flawed.
@JDHalfrack because people work and pay for a working product. Then on their day off they can’t play. People are paying $100-$150 for the top end versions of this game.
That has nothing to do with it. All information is linked to your consoles account. So it wouldn’t matter if you relink or unlink or any of that. Some people don’t even have a MLB the show account linked with the website. You don’t have to have one for it to save data.
Yeah well they told us to relink. So that is bad advice you just gave. -
Same I was almost done with team affinity programs. Had all of them finish besides national league west and central. Egg hunt I completed. I had 9,800 stubs or something. All my pre order bonuses everything. Gone. Tried the log out and back in that didn’t work and it is all gone. Saying I have only 777 stubs. Yet the two cards I sold on market yesterday for 400 stubs a piece are still showing in the app. This is messed up. -
Did that and linked the correct account. All my pre order bonus’s are gone all my progress is gone. If I lose everything after spending this much time doing programs especially when I was just about done with team affinity then I am done with the show.
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24