Hmmmm Sliders?

I use The TrueSims Roster Project from Operation Sports, amazing accurate rosters with equipment edits but it's usually not released till like June I think so you're gonna have to wait but totally worth it.
I love Spring Training, I play all games for my Jays and use it to marinate my Sliders for when the regular season starts. Point number 2 there is a solution if you have a PS5. I didn't start my Spring Training till like May and by then stadium creators made them all so I simply downloaded them.
I can only chime in on point 1 as I don't play casual modes like DD but if you play Franchise you can adjust sliders for the CPU's strike to ball ratio to a more simulated way. Casual mode like DD you're stuck at default Sliders so if SDS messed that up you guys are F-ed.
Isn't DD the casual mode?
Are you guys talking about the face scan? And if so can you actually use it as your created player in Franchise? Cause last year you couldn't do it for Franchise.
But they have dynamic hair this year!! Instant buy!!
You're precious alright, I know you're eluding to lord of the rings but you might be precious.
Awww, whatya gonna play when you're eating your hot pokets and drinking your red bull? You gonna come on here from time to time to check out the fourm then 2 months from now you're gonna secretly buy the game? Awwe
That's ridiculous, that's why I never use SDS rosters, I use True Sims from Operation Sports, they even do equipment edits not just proper ratings.
@fubar2k7 said in Suggestions for future MLB The Show editions:
@Bearsfan217 said in Suggestions for future MLB The Show editions:
Actual upgrades to the game engine
I’m sure they have their own proprietary game engine. What do you expect them to use? Unreal engine 5?
Haha, console people make me laugh
For the first time ever I'm going to pre order because they have super duper improved dynamic hair flow, I know fubar will also. I'm going to create an Eddie Vedder player from the mid 90s.
They should remove casual modes like DD and put more effort into simulation modes.
A woman Franchise players can probably beat most DD players. Im a feminist obviously.
@fubar2k7 said in Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.:
@joshjays44 said in Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.:
So we all good now guys?
now let's grab a beer and watch some Spring training baseball!!
Warm me up some hot pockets. I’ll take pepperoni pizza.
Apologies, I am a Franchise player, I have fancy cheeses and latte for when I play.
So we all good now guys?
now let's grab a beer and watch some Spring training baseball!!
@PAinPA said in Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.:
@GoozeFn said in Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.:
@joshjays44 The burden of proof is low for civil matters. He was never charged criminally for rape. He hasn’t even been charged with insurrection either. Facts matter. TDS
Actually facts,proof,and charges/convictions never matter in the court of public opinion.
What he did or didn't do is irrelevant,what matters is the perception of him,
His career is over ,he is too volatile for anyone to take that risk,he is paying the price of fame,and of not being careful to protect his image.Good point, I always said that the worst thing the orange orangutan could do was to become president cause he's in the spotlight now. If he was a normal civilian he could of stayed under the radar and keep doing his shady business and ripping people off. Now he's going to be battling court cases for the few remaining days he has left and probably go bankrupt once again. I just hope he doesn't take America down with him, you guys are better than that.
@broken_toy1 said in Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.:
@X-FREEZE-OFF-X said in Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.:
Wow. That lasted long. Third post and we're already off topic. Guess before this gets shutdown; I can at least thank @broken_toy1 for having a discussion.
Guess certain people want to watch the world burn.
everyone should block that joshjay guy. He's a troll with nothing positive or worthwhile to add. I've had him blocked for months and been better off for it. I don't just block anyone either.
Hey bud, I help franchise people out but that's seldom cause this fourm is filled with DD casuals so I have a little fun
@fubar2k7 said in Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.:
@joshjays44 said in Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.:
@fubar2k7 said in Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.:
@darkblue1876 said in Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.:
Josh appears to be more interested in stirring the pot than discussing baseball. Josh needs to go to Huffington Post, or some other political site.
0-63 is pretty shitty batting average and most DD players couldn’t play franchise with a real simulation set of sliders to save their lives.
Haha right, good to see someone on my side on this. We're gonna be BBF from now on Fubar.
I play DD on All Star and when I go into my franchise which I played on All Star this year thanks to no wind sometimes it’s rough to get anything going.
I'm basically a unicorn, I play Franchise from Spring Training, every pitch until the October on Legend with maxed out pitched speeds with matured Sim Sliders I get from Operation Sports with my own tweaking.
@fubar2k7 said in Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.:
@darkblue1876 said in Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.:
Josh appears to be more interested in stirring the pot than discussing baseball. Josh needs to go to Huffington Post, or some other political site.
0-63 is pretty shitty batting average and most DD players couldn’t play franchise with a real simulation set of sliders to save their lives.
Haha right, good to see someone on my side on this. We're gonna be BBF from now on Fubar.
Too many foul balls by the CPU
Roster update ?
Spring Training
Thoughts and early feedback
What is Mike Trouts rating in dd?
Face recognition
How can I get a refund?
Well...I'll just put this next to this
Well...I'll just put this next to this
Tim Mayza at a 69 overall?
Suggestions for future MLB The Show editions
Wow! Expect this in MLB 24
Online Franchise
First woman to play professional men’s baseball
Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.
Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.
Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.
Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.
Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.
Let's try to discuss this without getting the thread shut down.