I would agree. Some stat grinding missions to help get to 100 and give us a usable player at that level. Of course, if it's released opening day, it won't be a 99. But even a low 90s player would be nice. Give us a reason to go past 50 and make it possible with DD related activities.

@JEEZY-E said in Things we might see in the 2nd inning:
I hope to see people realize there is a global pandemic going on and that SDS is not considered essential, nor should they risk their lives to appease a bunch of adult children.
Umm, you realize there is a thing called working remotely right? It works wonderfully for technology jobs especially since the computer really doesn't care if you are on location or VPNing in.
I highly doubt anyone on here is asking SDS employees to "risk their lives" to work on a video game.
I'm an offline player only and I won't touch franchise. Comparing them are like comparing apples to watermelons. Gaining stars, completing missions, team affinity and player moments are all fun to play, even offline.
To the OP, I understand that there are ways to grind stats online and not offline. But, this program definitely isn't "unfair" to offline players.
Agreed, I was hoping for a full conquest map vs signature teams
cough I think I need to call out sick on Friday
I've got my alarm set tomorrow to give me a few hours of play time before my first work call. I can't wait
@x-Crimson_Dawn-x-0 said in Please make team affinity cards quick sellable:
IF they do anything, it will be allowing you to exchange them.
I can live with that.
I'm strictly offline as I couldn't hit online with an oar. I finished all conquests but the showdowns are burning me out. I did finish the 1st inning one and 1 AL East, but I've probably lost more stubs then I gained. I should start to keep track on that.
So, I'll probably try to stack my lineup with players from the team I'm going for and grind out games vs CPU for the innings until conquest comes out with more content.
Don't forget that you don't get enough program points to collect Wood from the missions alone. You need to do more like play online or beat the Cubs on all-star.
@Xx_Smalls_xX21 said in Biggest improvement they can make to Showdown so everyone’s happy IMO:
Either this, or give the rewards gradually rather than an all or nothing approach. Like give 1 voucher for the first boss, 2 for the second, and 3 for the last or something like that, and if you skip to the end then you get them all anyways. If they did any of this then I'd be pretty happy.
LOVE this idea. I am currently stuck on the AL West. In 3 tries, I've lost to Ohtani twice and the first showdown once, and I've lost a total of 1,000 stubs. If I could have gotten a few vouchers for my trouble so far, it would have been worth it.
I really think they need to eliminate the entry fee all together. I get the fee for Battle Royale because the rewards can be amazing, but you're going to charge us 1,000 stubs when the total rewards is around 3-4k?!? Doesn't really make sense to me.
You have to play the team you want affinity points for. So, you have to play the Padres in this case (I'm doing this one now as well
I've given up on Showdown for now. I'm 1-3 in the AL East, 2-3 in AL Central and 0-3 in AL West (Ohtani has my number). It's just too frustrating to have nothing to show from it other than losing stubs and a little XP/program points. I'm playing MtO to get affinity points now. Maybe if they spread out the affinity tickets to each showdown or reduce/eliminate the buy in fee, I'll try again.
@maurice91932 said in Why are Prestige cards tied to Online stats?:
@JoeStraz14 said in Why are Prestige cards tied to Online stats?:
@maurice91932 said in Why are Prestige cards tied to Online stats?:
I look at it like this:
No one is entitled to have every card in the game.
You say you hate playing online (meaning H2H). There are many others who hate playing the CPU; they hate conquest and they hate moments.
Think of how many cards are tied to Conquest and Moments? If the guys that hate playing the CPU want those cards, they have to suck it up and play the CPU.
The flip side of that is, if you want Prestige Diamonds, you have to suck it up and play H2H.
Of course, you could forgo those Prestige Diamonds, and just enjoy the game modes you prefer.
I say this with all due respect. I’m not trying to be a [censored] about it at all. I’m one of the people that hate playing the CPU, and I would complain about having to do so.
But I finally accepted that there are cards that I just won’t get, because I don’t like Moments. It’s simple as that for me.
I hope you find peace and enjoyment with the game, bro.
There's a big difference between offline only and online only content. The online only content is usually some of the best in the game (think Ruth last year for example). And, I'm ok with this as that is where their core players (and money) come from. I just don't think it's a 1-1 comparison like you're making it out to be.
Also, for offline only players, it's not just a matter of "sucking it up" for some of us. Between my DSL connection (I live in the sticks and don't have access to cable), and my aging eyes/reflexes, I can't hit online. Yes, I do avoid it because of the morons, but I also avoid it because I tend to strike out or get weak contact every AB.
I'm not too disappointed with not being able to do prestige. I just hope that I will have a chance to get this year's Ruth.
I hear you. But maybe you can help me understand something. Serious question(s) here:
If someone doesn’t like playing other people, and prefers to just play against the CPU, why play Diamond Dynasty at all?
All the cards available in DD can be used in Franchise Mode. You can literally put any player you want on your team. You can even edit their attributes and “prestige” them in a matter of seconds.
You can choose difficulty level, you can adjust sliders; in short, you can customize every aspect of the game to make it the most enjoyable for yourself. So if someone likes playing the CPU, why go through all the trouble of DD at all?
I really enjoy DD. I like the missions, I like the goals, I like the collections. I'm one who's a completion junkie, so I've been grinding March to Octobers for the affinity points in stage 1, then using showdowns to complete stage 2. I've also completed a lot of the programs for the stubs to help me with my collections. This is where offline only gets tough because stub sources aren't that plentiful. I resigned to selling my program rewards to help me here. I also really enjoy conquest.
There is plenty for offline only players to do in DD that can't be accomplished in franchise or Road to the Show.
"What I don’t understand is, you feel less accomplished if you don’t get every card?"
No, and no one said that.
I'm a Yankees fan and I'm wondering the same thing. I am only Trout away from the live series collection and Mo would bring me to around 50k away from him, so it's tempting. However, being a Yankees fan, selling him would be difficult
Team Affinity
Things we might see in the 2nd inning
April monthly awards
Signature Teams?
Can’t wait till Friday!!
This couldn't be coming out at a better time...
Please make team affinity cards quick sellable
anyone else just suck? lol
No stars for completing Kerry Wood moments???
Biggest improvement they can make to Showdown so everyone’s happy IMO
Tatis FotF
Just had 6 perfect perfect outs against Scherzer in Showdown
Why are Prestige cards tied to Online stats?
Why are Prestige cards tied to Online stats?
Is Mo worth keeping?