Any body else having problems when trying to sale this card? I tried 6 times including reboot game 1st freezes then reads game app or error.I tried selling other cards they worked only Rizzo fails I reported and sent screen shots hopefully this junk gets fixed I'll keep my fingers crossed.

It's Real I've seen it twice both by my opponents the first time it was pretty cool when i noticed it.Especially when Ruth hit a walk off right after he did it. The 2nd time vs a different player he lined out hard that is all..
That's why he is the greatest strike out Beast of all time Recognize!!
Yea, give him his participation trophy AGAIN....
Yes buy a new one
Same here as soon as I switched off cross play,no more disco.
Save your $$ im a Dodger Homer and I sold him after 4 L'S and 5 blown saves he was hot garbage for me.
I was # 1278 but pulled out and cncld my order since im @ 18 wins RS
Ive played over 600 rs games today was the 1st time ground ball to 2nd base game did freeze lol
Couldn't hit with him either, sold him asap.....
I love when i get the shift I'll drag bunt till they take it off .
I got em both pretty even for me.
I loved 50% of created stadiums.if i really like what opponent created I'll download in vault there are some really clean gems...
1st Ab normal swing Done
Playing Events and then playing (RS) makes cards play totally different.
Still down in LA
Whoever that is
Chipper is one of my bench bats because of his inconsistency. Lastnight 10th inn he hit a 2 out walk off single.
Reminds me of pinpointing every pitcher can obtain unrealistic command, pretty lame....
I went for Mantle 1st
Rizzo ss sale/freeze
Babe Ruth calling his shot
Nolan Ryan
Hey SDS can we get a RP Ohtani with outlier and 125 stamina???
Cross play = lag
How is the 99 Gagne card?
Trout wait list
Pretty much every ground ball to 2nd baseman freezes the game
99 Mays
The Shift?
Sig Chapman or Sig Wagner
Created Stadiums - Were they Worth it After All?
Piazza Moment
Cards that pleasantly surprised you
Can't Get Online
Gardy goes deep on his sig card day
Replace Chipper?
Why is every player able to get down a good bunt?
TA4 - Who Did You Take?