I’ve never not enjoyed my time playin the games all the way back to the show 15(yes I even enjoyed 18 somehow) but this year I just don’t like the game all that much. I don’t understand what goes through Sds head when they make missions like they just did for the Jackie program or have 1 event in the opening month. I’m not sure what happened to fielding this year bc it took four steps backwards from last year especially in the outfield. Pitching is like rolling the dice if it’s going to be hung or not. Every good card right now is locked in the collections and their way of brining the market down is to drop packs with exclusive odds. When it was finally time to add new br rewards which in my eyes going 12-0 is the hardest thing possible in this game they add two extremely underwhelming cards into it. As much as I’m happy to get Tino Martinez in the game there’s no way that he should be a World Series reward with those stats. Then the 2nd inning program releases with a feller that isn’t good a Hanley that can’t field and joe carter. Last year the second inning had extremely good Cards for that time of the year and this years were just meh. Then to add salt to the wound they added the miggy to packs which is 100x better than all the inning program cards. I was extremely excited for this year and the new things like showdown and the perfect perfect ability but it all jus ended up so-so to me. The only thing I think was done right this year was team affinity and that they’re bringing back fan favorite cards this year.

Three days in and I still haven’t been able to login to dd for more than 5 minutes at a time. I’ve been trying for three hours to try and get in tonight and haven’t made it past the network error message. I’ve been a loyal show fan since 17 and have defended this studio through just about everything and I’m ashamed to have my money go to this studio now. I can safely say I’ll never buy another game made by San Diego studios because of the absolute mess this game has been.
@allmustfall16 said in New RS reward guess:
(96) Tiant and (88) Niekro for WS rewards
New legends R.A. Dickey and tim Wakefield in the PR pack
I kind of understand the concept but moments are far superior because they’re free. You have to spend stubs to enter something that u might not even make out of the first round of it. And I love their whole marketing of “if you’re good you can skip to the end” when you have to score 15 runs with a diamond and a gold card pretty much. The whole game mode is kind of flawed in my opinion too because the perks aren’t really helpful. I wish they’d go back to moments because they’re far superior
I think packs are better this year than last year
Go watch kevingohd in YouTube and that will show u exactly what not to do
I got an American League live series center fielder
bang bang
Trash can springer -
On the back of his jersey it has number 9 instead of number 44 which he wore for the yankees.
I’m playing the biggio 3 hit moment and five times I’ve been hit by a pitch with two hits already and unable to get another at bat
@eatyum said in Are you exchanging duplicate diamonds?:
I did for a couple teams, but that was when players like Gold Glove Salvy was cheap, it's not even close to cost-effective now.
Did the same thing with the last home run derby packs with the low tier going for 5k it was a steal in my opinion
I’m the best at giving up lots of runs but scoring a lot and still losing, or giving up two runs and getting shutout
The Instagram post tho
@pbake12 said in Louis Patino is better than Cy Young:
Better than a 38-year-old Cy Young... A signature or prime Cy Young would be a 99.
99 Cy is still gonna be cheeks
@SchnauzerFace said in Tips for coping with a showdown loss:
Play vs CPU. Drill the entire starting lineup of the Astros.
Good to go.
@SchnauzerFace said in Tips for coping with a showdown loss:
Play vs CPU. Drill the entire starting lineup of the Astros.
Good to go.
Thanks man good idea this honestly probably made my day
@CDNMoneyMaker93 said in New RS reward guess:
@allmustfall16 said in New RS reward guess:
@JFrules04 said in New RS reward guess:
@allmustfall16 said in New RS reward guess:
(96) Tiant and (88) Niekro for WS rewards
New legends R.A. Dickey and tim Wakefield in the PR pack
Would be great!! People would lose their minds.
I want to see this now the forum would lose its mind
I think they should do a regular season choice pack with all star Wright sig series of the guy from the jays (I’m not gonna attempt to spell his name) and a joe Niekro card
@seannydrama7 said in 1 card away from mantle:
Same boat - one card left (Degrom). I the way I look at it, worst case scenario, by the time the next program comes out, I should be able to sell the boss for enough to get it done. Wouldn’t love to wrap it up before that, but short of some pack luck or buying stubs, not sure I see a way.
I feel you man I don’t wanna see the first 99’s to come out of the program. I’m hoping that the Father’s Day conquest map has some heat in it and that my event lack luck can be good.
Against my better judgement I bought the 5 headliner packs and pulled Brantley twice and arenado. This just completed the entire mlb collection for me so I’m happy I bought the packs
With the season about to commence they wouldn’t do two lines of finest for this year and previous finest cards, at least I wouldn’t hope
@thehomiemiike said in Investment question!:
Is it smart to invest in the HRD set 1 guys as some were JUST 70kish !?
If you can pick the low round guys up for a little over quick steel value it’s work the risk because I see the buy order at least getting to 7000 and you’d make about 1000 stubs a card
Am I the only one hating the game this year?
Where can I get a refund
New RS reward guess
Why did SDS make showdown
My pack lucks actually good this year
I need 12-0 tips
Who did you get in the flash sale?
SDS can you fix prime reggies number
Wow I don’t know what to even do
Are you exchanging duplicate diamonds?
Self Proclaimed "I'm The Best At..." - For ONLINE Gameplay
Joe Kelly Suspension
Louis Patino is better than Cy Young
Tips for coping with a showdown loss
New RS reward guess
1 card away from mantle
My pack luck has finally turned
Stage 4 TA Predictions
Investment question!
Sneaky player to go diamond