Bro you played 3 innings lol

When you have enough stubs
go play ranked and have your soul ripped out of your chest, that's pretty much all that's left
Just be thankful they even caught the ball in this game
Kid has to be trolling
Ramone will strike you down with the power of a thousand light bolts if you ever slander his name again. See you after your re-install tomorrow.
I've got all those cards and I have no beef over others having them , is what it is tbh
Gold is a habit
Lol I have. I've also gotten dashboarded by some people here.
Honestly everyone crying on this forum should just make a league and play each other instead.
None. No one is safe no where is safe.
See you tomorrow
At the end of the day people shouldn't really care about their record unless you're trying to be top 10 lifetime or something. No one really cares and all that stress you gave yourself will be for nothing. It won't win you any cool points and it'll be in the past every March when a new game comes out. Just some perspective for some.
Another one gone...R.I.P to the great 2B.
It doesn't even matter, bunch of warning track flies that go nowhere even with 125 power.
You're a Jedi bro, makes sense
They both lineout, both will flyout to the track with perfectly centered PCI, it's your choice to choose whose swing you would like to lineout with. You really can't go wrong.
A 3 pitch Dibble sequence, 1 of the 3 will have you flailing and it's embarrassing.
Because more Bellingers will be kept than sold. He's actually a automatic endgame card in any competitive lineup.
Hitting Update - Amazing So Far
Mike trout ?
Hmm... now what?
New MLB rule requires outfielders to tag outfield wall before throwing ball in
Deleted the game, never buying another
Rewind Pack
Ballin is a Habit?
Have any of the forum participants ended up playing each other?
lets help each other make the game fun again
Quitting mlb the show. It’s a scam
Ranked seasons records
RIP Joe Morgan
125 Power
Just played a guy that was 45-5 & almost no hit him!
Griffey or ???
Most Unhittable Pitch?
Verlander is cheaper than Bellinger Right now