Sad that they have to go to that extent to balance the game for the weak opponents to have a chance. No one wants RNG and DDA except the people who suck and benefit from it. That’s why you see so many .500 records in ranked seasons in ‘21.

I’ve basically stopped playing ranked. Yesterday I played 1 game to see how it was or if it had been tweaked, but I should have just not played. Lost 5-2 to a guy that K’d 15 times. I K’d zero. He was home team so he didn’t bat in the 9th so out of 24 outs he had 15 Ks. I had 6 outs on balls hit over 100mph. He had a 3 balls hit over 100mph, none of them were outs, all home runs. I had 3 PP, 1 lineout and 2 singles. I hit zero home runs with countless centered pcis with great timing flares for flyouts, lineouts and GIDPs. Everytime I squared up, it felt like the game put a parachute on it. I honestly can’t get myself to keep playing anymore. You lose because the game makes you lose, not because the opponent is better. People can flame me and defend the game but I’ll stand by my assessment. Clearly RNG/DDA going on big time.
The over 100 attributes ruined the game since their inception. I agree about online rated being a truer game to play. You can actually have a good game and perform with low level cards if you are actually good at the game. DD holds you back because of the over 100 attributes creating all sorts of RNG that ultimately ruins the experience.
I was able to link mine as well. I have Xbox with gamepass and purchased the $60 version on switch. So both games went live for me at the same time. I started on the switch and linked with the code. Then went to my Xbox and it asked me which progression I wanted to use and I chose the switch created player etc. It looks like the only thing that I lost is the preorder bonus on the switch which was a gold choice pack and 5000 stubs which I don’t really care about. Went back and forth between switch and Xbox a couple of times and the progression seems to be working fine. I bought the switch to use on the road for work so all I care about is that the cross progression works.
Perfect Perfect GARBAGE
Got to say
Before you complain about this game…
Switch Successfully Linked