@JDHalfrack BECAUSE WE ARE THE CUSTOMERS?! You're the one with the horrible take. When you pay for a product and the company doesn't deliver that's called fraud. If your opinion is the same as the Devs of this game, I'm definitely done. You are way to accepting of mediocrity and incompetence.

i don't appreciate being part of a Beta test, that's not what I paid money for.
@joshuadelawrence said in [Update 9:33 PM] Account Reset? 4/4/24:
@JestersDead13 if they don’t fix it then it becomes a liability. Who wants to spend hours upon hours to unlock things to risk losing it. It was bad enough they created seasons where you spend 10-12 hours or even more to unlock a single card that can only be used during that season. Wild cards are a joke.
yeah they definitely have bit off more than they can chew. I know the feeling. Companies and big wigs run and hide when things go bad or get tough but will shine the light and make them seem like they were the only one to get the project done.
There shouldn't be any new content released until every person's account is made whole. Whether that means refunding the money on the game and giving in game stubs for all the cards and items they unlocked or restoring the accounts back to where they were. We paid money for a obvious broken product and used as beta testers. AND WE PAID FOR IT. -
@VelvetThunder_x thank goodness these people don't fly planes or are doctors I guess
having a working product now is a bonus?
@Justillien again, I didn't buy a product to be a beta tester. Figure out the problems in house before releasing it to the paying public. That's how programs used to work. But now in the era of online updates, seems like people are getting lazy and accepting the malfunctions. Guess I'm too old for the "new" gaming companies.
@MoneyManMike55 they must have some people that have previously worked for EA....its the only explanation.. That or inflation has meant cuts by sony to the bone.
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24
Account Reset? 4/4/24