At this point, it may just be a matter of time before a big enough content creator ends up in here with us and they can put some pressure on. They chose to pass on warning people of the issue, so there is just more and more people who it is happening to.
Just came to say that my accounts still aren't fixed, just in case you did something and thought they were. Obviously, transparency isn't a priority for SDS.
I can finally login again and the goddamn error is still there. Hahahahahahahahahhaahahah!
@victor_sds_psn said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
Hey again folks-
Just wanted to update and let you know we've put in a few fixes already and we have a fix coming soon for those who are unable to UNlink.
Thank you all for your reports, details, and patience while we see this through.
This man really said "coming soon" over 4 hours ago. I am really trying to be patient here, but I've probably missed out on 25 hours of playtime in the last 3 days. I keep watching as everybody parallels all sorts of cards, get the 1st inning bosses and complete collections. I am really starting to feel like I'm getting left behind and it's frustrating as all hell.
@bhazlewood_mlbts said in PSA: Don't Link both PS and XBOX Accounts!:
@jlafontnyc_xbl said in PSA: Don't Link both PS and XBOX Accounts!:
Many of you say you can view your inventory on just not in game (PS, XBOX).
Is this the case for all of you? My lost pre-order content doesn't appear on the system (Xbox) or on theshownation. However when I look at my "Order History" on the Microsoft Store, I see my Jackie Robinson Bundle voucher. But in game all this disappeared as of last Saturday.
I see my stuff on the website (logged in with my Show account) - but I pre-ordered on the PS5, and was playing there before Tuesday. On Tuesday, when I added the game on XBox via GamePass and tried to link my Xbox account, that's when all my troubles started.
The FAQ Says:
IF YOU CHOOSE MLBWEB, YOUR PROGRESS WILL START AT ZERO, EVEN IF YOU HAVE A PLATFORM WITH PROGRESS.- This is because your MLBWEB account is new and has no progress. If you’d like to keep progress that is already made on a specific platform (PS or Xbox), please choose said platform.
Except -- my MLBWEB account isn't new, and HAS progress. Which makes me think if I choose that, it could possibly restore my data. But I don't want to take that chance.
This is exactly my thought as well. It doesn't matter though, it just gives you another error.
@jlafontnyc_xbl said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
Many of you say you can view your inventory on just not in game (PS, XBOX).
Is this the case for all of you? My lost pre-order content doesn't appear on the system (Xbox) or on theshownation. However when I look at my "Order History" on the Microsoft Store, I see my Jackie Robinson Bundle voucher. But in game all this disappeared as of last Saturday.
Have you clicked on the MLB 21 icon when you are logged into your respective accounts?
Was just gonna say they ought to put out a statement telling people not to link until its fixed. Kind of messed up we keep getting more and more people falling down our rabbit hole of hell.
Just want to comment on the "you could lose your progress" thing. I believe when it says that, it means your MLBTSO account will overwrite what is on your local Playstation or Xbox. That is the "progress" you would lose. Not that it ever works anyway, it's just how I've been perceiving that warning. Please tell me if you guys are taking that differently. That is what makes sense to me.
It appears mine might be fixed. Show Online account is connected and the others are unlinked.
When I login to my Show Online account, it shows the Xbox and PS buttons to unlink and I get the relogin loop when I try to do that. The strange thing is that my Show Online account shows as not connected, when that's what I am logged into. I am not sure I understand that at all. That's the account I need to show up. I can see all my progress is there I just need that to appear on the consoles. So frustrating.
@edoalvarez_mlbts said in Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress:
Same Issue, lost all my Playstation progress! this sucks, a lot of time played since friday, nearly 100k stubs, all preorder bonuses lost, 1st inning boss unocked.
At least my inventory and stubs still appear in account.This is exactly my scenario. It seems so simple that I should be able to link my Xbox and PS to that account, which is how I believe it should work, and be able to get back to my grind. I dont understand why the other 2 are linked together, but not to the account.
I am having the same issue as well. Hope this gets fixed in a timely manner.
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
PSA: Don't Link both PS and XBOX Accounts!
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress
Linked account on The Show website; lost game progress