99 Pedro

There is a sound. It is just different then it was last year.
Unfortunately this has been normal for the game the past several years. Some worse then others but not stable at all. Was always a good time to play Rtts before.
You can not put the items on any other player except your player. Perks from showdown draft are just for there.
Does anyone know if you can use your ballplayer in the mode?
I thought they said yes . Just the stubs you bought on one store would not.
I had the opposite feeling. I don't know if it was just the thumb stick location for me or what. I did not use kontrol freeks or anything on the xbox controller.
Extreme program guesses
Perfect Perfects have no sound?
SDS, you need to respond about these server issues!!!
Diamond Dynasty
HR Derby
Transferring progress across platforms
PCI Control - Xbox