@FN-Billy-Sastard_PSN thanks for your input

Jaychvz _MLBTS
@PizzaDelivery9_XBL it happened to me on west map . I eventually got it after 3 attempts.
I wrote a bug report on it. -
Also you can use tokens to upgrade the perks on the perks screen
It's happened to me in other years. So far this year no . I don't know why it does that. Maybe it's a bug , you should report it .
I think those are sellable so you could always grind for stubs and get them that way if you don't like the mode.
Just curious as to what it's like to play on a curved monitor, saw one at Costco and was thinking of getting it.
Is there a co op vs cpu .? I'm not home to check right now. I was just curious.
654k I play almost every night
On the strike zone, the box you see on the screen is not the strike zone . If you look closely it extends from batters box to batters box. So it extends beyond the plate . So a ball that splits the line is a 50/50 . I don't know why they did it this way .
Was way better , we had team affinity, classic , lefty lefty , right righty , gold captain . It was more fun for some reason . We need the gold captain card again .
Why do some of my opponents get 90% perfects with bronze/common pitchers and no energy?
So people who use analog are dotting most of the time?
I'm a huge stats nerd , just curious if others were like me.
No one's talking about Taylor Ward
.300 + batting average, 6 dingers , 21 rbi leads the American league. -
I think if they're going to have multiple of certain players they should have them for every team they played on . I mean they already have the rights . I have yet to see an Angels version of Reggie Jackson. He had significant years with the angels.
Best tip ----> don't buy packs .
Then your late on 82 mph change up.
@JoeSelser I use one of the signs and turn it around so only the black back shows . Perfect batters eye.
For the weekly supercharge player?
For some odd reason padres captain Ozzie Smith, Derek Jeter, and rube foster , no other ones work
Does anyone have a curved monitor?
Conquest Wins Counting as Losses
How do you unlock the perks? Nobody has explained this
Teleporting Pitches
Diamond Quest
Does anyone have a curved monitor?
Is there a co op vs cpu?
Where’s everyone at XP wise?
Pitching is Abysmally Bad This Year
Last years mini seasons
Pitching is Abysmally Bad This Year
Pitching is Abysmally Bad This Year
Are you a stats nerd?
Lightning Player
legends/old players and 7 different versions of the same guy
New to MLB and Baseball in general
Bat speed is so ridiculous in this game. I'm seeing like 200mph on replays
Was so excited when I got a PS5 and this game so I could finally create a stadium…Then…
Where do you vote?
Cpt Cards not useable for event?