Personally, in my opinion, once you hit World Series the game is unplayable. Sure, I can still win and climb to 1000+ if I wanted to, but why would I? Playing this game just to win 2-1 or 1-0 isn’t fun. You watch guys like YFK or McGunski and even they are having games where it’s 2-1, 3-2. That’s not what made MLB the Show fun. SDS, it needs to go. There’s a massive amount of people on the leaderboard that break into WS and just quit because the gameplay is no longer enjoyable. Go take a look at the amount of pages of people at 900-915. No one wants to play anymore. Maybe games where it’s 1200+ you could do legend, but even then I don’t understand why you would want to. Sure, top 300 players in the world can do well most of the time on legend, but when LITERALLY 99.9% of your player base doesn’t want to play on that difficulty, it’s detrimental to our playing experience and SDS as a company, because people are putting the game down. You can’t have pinpoint pitching and legend difficulty. Personally I love pinpoint, I think it’s improved the game. But paired with legend difficulty and 101mph sinkers, game is unplayable. Patch it out.