do you already have a different card of his in your lineup?

took me 45 minutes , its was frustrating to say the least , breezed right through the rest of them
@cjhanz84_PSN its not as bad as it was , ive only NOT completed one program so far this year
as for the throw from right field , given the level of difficulty (tough throw) from RF to 3rd , thats kind of a weak error if thats in fact what/why i didnt get credit , its not like it was so far off the 3rd baseman had no chance , no it wasnt a perfect throw , yes it pulled him off the bag just as i was rounding 3rd , but it was a good enough throw he DID catch it and he was able to throw a competitive enough throw to home that i was not even certain i pulled it off until the Ump called safe
its possible that if he hit the cutoff man it would have given pause normally to the runner from going home , but i was in a no lose situation for trying , i mean i was still going home even if i was dead certain i was getting thrown out , it was resetting anway
the only other times i pulled a inside the park was at Polo grounds
he just could not hit one over the wall so when i would hit the wall i never stopped running , i was close to pulling it off about 3 other times , i figured since he couldnt smack it out and i was getting close to the inside the parker , and thats how he did it that maybe thats what i was suppose to do since it was letting me get it that close , then i did it and i get gut punched when the try again screen popped up
i dont think i would consider it a wild throw , the right fielders throw to third was off which did pull the 3rd baseman away frm the base towards the outfield side as i was rounding third , because he was going the opposite direction his throw was a half a second late at home , i wasnt even sure i pulled it off immediately until the Ump called safe , the right firlder did not use the cutoff man which is not that uncommon , Judge use to do it back when he played RF
first it took for ever to get the HR , BUT i actually did the inside the park grand slam and it did not accept it as completing the moment ,and its supposedly how he did it , it made me hit one over the fence
why doesnt a inside the park HR not count?
some of you people need to get a life , your whole existence is embroiled in this tu rd of a video game , its so bad even the players are trash , incapable of even a modicum of civility in interaction with others , set the controller down and go out and get some sun, get a life
adam dunn was a above average player at best , he is no legend , by that standard everyone who is retired is a legend , just another reason this game is screwed , first they dilute 99 rated cards to average at best , now everyone is a legend? even players like adam frigging dunn , and im the dumb one?do you people even remember watching Dunn when he was playing? a legend , now thats rich , i said and i quote unless they changed it " this is what it use to be how i described , like it or not , believe it or not , i really do not care , i know it as a matter of fact
@Easy_Duhz_It__PSN im not buying again after this year , back to COD for me
betts altuve and kruk did it for me , put all 3 @123 in the lineup , betts , then kruk , then altuve , he seems to do better for me in #3 , and betts is a HR machine in leadoff spot
it was abused , people were creating 3 foot tall [layers that had a strikezone of a bottle cap
@xsdert34_PSN wrong , unless they have changed it from years ago , legend players are retired standout players , but are defined by stirrup socks , and have been retired for decades
flashback cards are also retired players , they are generally retired much sooner than the legends, , they will wear ankle hugger pants , cant very well call a player a legend that only retired 5 or 10 years ago , i know some live series players wear ankle hugger's so chill out , obviously if they are still playing they are not FB or legend
i would safe bet all HOF players are legends
i would be curious if they allowed flashback players stats to count towards legend missions
yea , im still ps4 , im not buying a new system until i have to
@MCLMM9_XBL you nailed it , the issue is they basically tried to lump all the skill levels into one box , so one attribute affects all levels , so in turn all skill levels suffer in some way
they should have seperate game characteristics for each skill level, if you want to play on HOF then you should deal with HOF attributes , and your rewards should reflect that , you should have better cards available to you as rewards for the added difficulty
but i dont want to play HOF , i work all day installing cabinets , come home and do farm chores , by the time i get cleaned up and ready to take a breath i have a limited amount of time , and its not always spent on a video game , although i try to get some time in everyday , some days if i have no install and its raining i have all day , but i do not want to waste my time playing 5 innings to score a run , i want to have fun smacking the ball around , thats my choice and my rewards should reflect that
but my hitting is skewed up so they can find a balance with the higher levels
if your kid at age 15 has to be shielded from a pair of boobies on a ficticios jersey in a video game , you have raised a pathetic loser with no real world social skills , when i was 15 the things we were doing with real girls ,lol ,well then you are basically raising a sexually repressed future sociopath [censored] offender, and i am the idiot?
grow up? if anyone is being immature its you , you and your 15 year old [censored] machine whos probably burying the neighborhoods pets in your back yard by now, get that stick out of your [censored] , makes sitting so much more pleasant , what surprises me is you have a kid at all , given your ewww girl parts attitude , bet you had [censored] with your clothes on
what platform are you all playing that you can add and download stadiums , is the game on PC now?
@virusts_XBL so you are saying on one hand make the experience realistic but fake other [censored] , i think ruths FB pitch speed was in the 80's , they didnt just stretch reality , they rewrote history
some one missed there testosterone booster
i mean , a complete 99 allstar team , a complete 99 HRD team and games going 5 innings before a score and HR's are what are required , dont get me started how long it took to get 15 live series HR's
its like oh , you need HR's , let screw with hitting
Corbin Carroll reward missing!
Clemente Moment 1
Clemente Grand slam moment
Clemente Grand slam moment
Clemente Grand slam moment
Clemente Grand slam moment
Clemente Grand slam moment
What players are defined as legends?
What players are defined as legends?
friday drop = a weekend of no hitting , again
Moonshot program 5'10 player homeruns
Anyone else miss playing user created teams in CPU games?
What players are defined as legends?
friday drop = a weekend of no hitting , again
Does every single pitcher have to throw 100mph? 🤦🏻♂️
Stop the inappropriate images in the logo vault!!!!!
friday drop = a weekend of no hitting , again
Does every single pitcher have to throw 100mph? 🤦🏻♂️
Stop the inappropriate images in the logo vault!!!!!
friday drop = a weekend of no hitting , again