@LIONED-33 let me know when I open the pack, it should say no sell on the cards.

@STEvO651779652 I agree, the reward system is everything in a video game, they need to revamp this reward system
Been grinding battle royale, all I wanted was Joe Mauer from the choice pack. I’ve spent probably 20k stubs or more on entries, I finally get the choice pack and because Eric Gagne sells for a little more, I figured I’d take him, sell him, make a couple thousand stubs and then buy Joe Mauer, only to find out that they’re f’ing “no sell” cards. Smfh. When you open the pack it doesn’t saying anything about no sell! It says no sell in the program path menu but wtf, I didn’t see that. I’m so mad, I turned it off, I’m done with this game. I’m so f’ing mad about that smh. At least let me f’ing exchange Gagne for Mauer or
Lol thanks for listening
I feel like I hardly played and finished the ranked program like 2 or 3 days after 2nd inning missions came out. Kinda sucks, I’m not very good in battle royale, I’m struggling with the current event which feels like it’s been going on forever. I started mini seasons, I’ve earned 20-30 packs between mini season goals and the new program missions, didn’t pull a single Diamond. Idk, it’s feeling pretty stale. Rtts would be fun if you could use your player in DD. Co op with a friend is fun but nothing is earning me rewards it feels like lol.
I'm having the same issue. My game froze and crashed, now every time I start the game it says "Roster updates failed. The download may have been corrupted. Please try again."
None of my friends will play against me in diamond dynasty because you don't anything from it, your record with them isnt kept, you dont get player xp anymore, no program xp, nothing, its pointless.
The main reason I bought this game was to play against my playstation friends who have always had it. I enjoy a good sunday morning showdown against a friend, or a quick battle on a week night. Playing randoms in ranked seasons is fun but I want to beat people I know. lol
Thanks for replies.
It would be great if they patched this is an update
When I first started the game I made a LF, had him on my Diamond Dynasty squad, everything worked well.
Since then Ive started several new RTTS players but my Ballplayer card in diamond dynasty is still the LF.I've deleted all my Road To The Show files and my ballplayer files that I saw and I deleted the loadouts. After that I started a new player, but my ballplayer card in DD is still showing the first player I made!
Is there a way to restart/delete my ballplayer and start from scratch?
Can I make this profile and my game history private so that only I can see it? (Xbox one)
I feel the profile stats, time played, game history, etc shouldn't be shared unless I want it to be. Idk maybe it's just me but it would be great if they made changes to this.
No sell on battle royale pack?!
Bored already
No sell on battle royale pack?!
Ranked program way too short
Unable to download live roster
Play vs Friends should reward you with XP
Wrong My Ballplayer in Diamond Dynasty??
Wrong My Ballplayer in Diamond Dynasty??
How do I hide my Universal Profile and Game History?